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The Lion’s Mausoleum of Hippos of the Decapolis
Palestine Exploration Quarterly ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1080/00310328.2020.1844943
Michael Eisenberg


The article presents the results of excavations and study of one of the mausolea at Antiochia Hippos, one of the cities of the Decapolis. The Lion's Mausoleum stands within the necropolis on the side of the main road leading to Hippos, just a couple of hundred metres from the main city gate. This Roman period mausoleum is the only tomb at Hippos to be thoroughly excavated and studied, and it is among the few in the region that survived partly with remnants of architectural details and sculpture, including a statue of a lion after which the mausoleum is named. The excavations of the building were completed in 2019 and produced a wealth of finds. The small finds, together with construction methods and materials, indicate that the mausoleum was constructed in the early 2nd century ad and used through the 3rd and the early 4th century ad. The surviving architectural remains allow reconstruction of a square ground floor with additional two floors above, and a hypothetical conical roof, in total over 13 m high. The finds allow for better understanding of the burial customs of the wealthy inhabitants of one of the cities of the Decapolis during the Roman period. The contextualization gives a broader glance on the variety of Roman mausolea in the Decapolis and the surrounding Hauran and Galilee.




本文介绍了对位于低加波利斯城市之一安提阿希亚河马 (Antiochia Hippos) 的陵墓之一的挖掘和研究结果。狮子陵墓位于通往河马的主要道路一侧的墓地内,距离主城门仅几百米。这座罗马时期的陵墓是河马唯一一座经过彻底挖掘和研究的陵墓,它是该地区为数不多的部分幸存下来的建筑细节和雕塑遗迹,其中包括一座狮子雕像,陵墓由此得名。该建筑的挖掘工作于 2019 年完成,并产生了大量发现。小的发现,施工方法和材料一起,表明该陵墓是在2世纪初建造的广告并通过第3和4世纪初使用的广告。幸存的建筑遗迹允许重建一个方形的底层,上面有额外的两层,以及一个假设的锥形屋顶,总高超过 13 m。这些发现有助于更好地了解罗马时期低加波利斯城市之一的富裕居民的葬礼习俗。上下文化使人们更广泛地了解了低加波利斯以及周围的豪兰和加利利的各种罗马陵墓。
