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Empire, Authorship and Völkisch Fairy Tales: Hans Friedrich Blunck and the Re-invention of Tradition after World War I
Oxford German Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00787191.2020.1840814
Tara Talwar Windsor 1

This article explores the close interplay between Hans Friedrich Blunck’s aesthetic and (geo-)political projects after World War I. In particular, it shows how Blunck situated himself in a lineage of political writers who idealized the notion of a German cultural nation or Reich in times of territorial loss, and re-invented this tradition to challenge the nation-state order enshrined in the Versailles Treaty. These endeavours rested on a triadic model of historical development and found expression in his ‘völkisch’ literature, his European reading tours — especially to communities of so-called ‘Auslandsdeutsche’ — and his involvement in the International PEN Club. Whereas previous studies have often approached Blunck from the vantage points of 1933 or 1945, this article explores his construction of traditions and myths from World War I onwards. In doing this, it reassesses the place of apparently traditional, ‘backward-looking’ actors and modes in Weimar’s wider cultural landscape.



本文探讨了汉斯·弗里德里希·布伦克 (Hans Friedrich Blunck) 的美学与第一次世界大战后的(地缘)政治项目之间的密切相互作用。特别是,它展示了布伦克如何将自己置于将德国文化国家或帝国概念理想化的政治作家世系中。领土丧失的时代,并重新发明了这一传统,以挑战《凡尔赛条约》所载的民族国家秩序。这些努力建立在历史发展的三元模型之上,并在他的“民族”文学、他的欧洲阅读之旅——尤其是所谓的“Auslandsdeutsche”社区——以及他对国际笔会的参与中得到了体现。以前的研究经常从 1933 年或 1945 年的有利位置接近布伦克,而本文则探讨了他对第一次世界大战以来的传统和神话的建构。