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Communicating the Untimely: Pope Benedict Xvi’s Resignation and the Second Franciscan age
Javnost - The Public ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2021.1843862
Martial Staub

Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation from the See of Rome, announced on 11 February 2013, has been interpreted as an eschatological gesture, most famously by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben. This article reconsiders the evidence of eschatological thinking in the work of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and revisits the declaration of resignation of 2013 considering the precedent set by Pope Celestine V’s abdication in 1294. It examines the ecclesiological context of this event and how this context is reflected in Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s work. It concludes that Benedict XVI’s resignation cannot be understood without acknowledging his own interpretation of Saint Bonaventure’s moderate eschatology, ecclesiology, and theology of history. While focusing on the Church, the article also investigates the political reflections of Celestine V’s abdication and its Bonaventurian background. Via Dante and the reception of his work in the twentieth-century German-speaking context, it finally turns to the ways in which Benedict XVI associated the world with his resignation.



本笃十六世于2013年2月11日宣布退出罗马之视,这被解释为一种末世论姿态,最著名的是意大利哲学家乔治·阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)。本文重新考虑了约瑟夫·拉特辛格(Joseph Ratzinger)/本尼迪克特十六世(Benedict XVI)工作中的末世思想,并重新考虑了教宗塞莱斯蒂娜五世(Pope Celestine V)于1294年退位所提出的2013年辞职宣言。反映在Ratzinger / Benedict XVI的作品中。结论是,如果不承认本尼迪克特十六世的辞职,就必须承认他对圣博纳文蒂尔的适度末世论,教会论和历史神学的解释。在专注于教会的同时,本文还研究了Celestine V退位及其Bonaventurian背景的政治思考。通过但丁并在二十世纪的德语环境中接受他的作品,终于转向了本尼迪克特十六世与他的辞职联系在一起的方式。
