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Racial Microaggressions on Christian Campuses: Instrument Development and Exploratory Factor Analysis
Christian Higher Education ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1080/15363759.2020.1871120
Paul Youngbin Kim 1 , Dana L. Kendall 1 , Katharine E. Bau 1


The severity or impact of racial microaggressions can differ based on an individual’s contextual factors. Specifically, people of color in a Christian context face unique racialized experiences that may not be adequately captured by existing measures of racial microaggressions. This study seeks to develop and examine the factor structure of a measure of racial microaggressions experienced by students of color in Christian colleges and universities called Racial Microaggressions on Christian Campuses (RMCC). We predicted that this measure would be correlated with decreased self-esteem and life satisfaction. Additionally, we predicted that racial microaggressions would be correlated with ethnic identity, with individuals with stronger ethnic identities being more likely to report racial microaggressions. Results based on 300 U.S. racial/ethnic minority undergraduate students enrolled in Christian colleges and universities indicated preliminary evidence of a two-factor structure for the RMCC. Factor 1 called RMCC-Misguided reflected receiving misguided solutions to racism, while Factor 2 named RMCC-Critical reflected receiving criticism in racialized messages. RMCC-Misguided, RMCC-Critical, and RMCC-Total (RMCC-Misguided and RMCC-Critical combined) were all positively and significantly associated with ethnic identity. The RMCC can be a useful tool for researchers who are interested in assessing the experiences of racial discrimination specific to Christian colleges and universities.




种族微侵略的严重程度或影响可能因个人的背景因素而异。具体而言,基督教背景下的有色人种面临独特的种族化经历,现有的种族微观侵略措施可能无法充分捕捉到这些经历。本研究旨在开发和检查基督教学院和大学中的有色人种学生所经历的种族微侵略的因素结构,称为基督教校园的种族微侵略 (RMCC)。我们预测该措施将与自尊和生活满意度下降相关。此外,我们预测种族微侵略将与种族认同相关,具有更强种族认同的个人更有可能报告种族微侵略。结果基于 300 美国 就读于基督教学院和大学的种族/少数民族本科生表明,RMCC 具有双因素结构的初步证据。被称为 RMCC-Misguided 的因素 1 反映了收到针对种族主义的误导性解决方案,而因素 2 被称为 RMCC-Critical 反映了收到种族化信息的批评。RMCC-Misguided、RMCC-Critical 和 RMCC-Total(RMCC-Misguided 和 RMCC-Critical 组合)都与种族认同呈显着正相关。RMCC 可以成为对评估基督教学院和大学特有的种族歧视经历感兴趣的研究人员的有用工具。被称为 RMCC-Misguided 的因素 1 反映了收到针对种族主义的误导性解决方案,而因素 2 被称为 RMCC-Critical 反映了收到种族化信息的批评。RMCC-Misguided、RMCC-Critical 和 RMCC-Total(RMCC-Misguided 和 RMCC-Critical 组合)都与种族认同呈显着正相关。RMCC 可以成为对评估基督教学院和大学特有的种族歧视经历感兴趣的研究人员的有用工具。被称为 RMCC-Misguided 的因素 1 反映了收到针对种族主义的误导性解决方案,而因素 2 被称为 RMCC-Critical 反映了收到种族化信息的批评。RMCC-Misguided、RMCC-Critical 和 RMCC-Total(RMCC-Misguided 和 RMCC-Critical 组合)都与种族认同呈显着正相关。RMCC 可以成为对评估基督教学院和大学特有的种族歧视经历感兴趣的研究人员的有用工具。
