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Notes on Trochila (Ascomycota, Leotiomycetes), with new species and combinations
MycoKeys ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-11 , DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.78.62046
Paula Andrea Gómez-Zapata 1 , Danny Haelewaters 1, 2, 3, 4 , Luis Quijada 2, 3 , Donald H Pfister 2, 3 , M Catherine Aime 1

Studies of Trochila (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales, Cenangiaceae) are scarce. Here, we describe two new species based on molecular phylogenetic data and morphology. Trochila bostonensis was collected at the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, Massachusetts. It was found on the stem of Asclepias syriaca, representing the first report of any Trochila species from a plant host in the family Apocynaceae. Trochila urediniophila is associated with the uredinia of the rust fungus Cerotelium fici. It was discovered during a survey for rust hyperparasites conducted at the Arthur Fungarium, in a single sample from 1912 collected in Trinidad. Macro- and micromorphological descriptions, illustrations, and molecular phylogenetic analyses are presented. The two new species are placed in Trochila with high support in both our six-locus (SSU, ITS, LSU, rpb1, rpb2, tef1) and two-locus (ITS, LSU) phylogenetic reconstructions. In addition, two species are combined in Trochila: Trochila colensoi (formerly placed in Pseudopeziza) and T. xishuangbanna (originally described as the only species in Calycellinopsis). This study reveals new host plant families, a new ecological strategy, and a new country record for the genus Trochila. Finally, our work emphasizes the importance of specimens deposited in biological collections such as fungaria.


关于 Trochila(子囊菌门、Leotiomycetes)的注释,包括新物种和组合

Trochila(Leotiomycetes、Helotiales、Cenangiaceae)的研究很少。在这里,我们根据分子系统发育数据和形态学描述了两个新物种。Trochila bostonensis 采集于马萨诸塞州波士顿港群岛国家休闲区。它是在 Asclepias syriaca 的茎上发现的,这是首次报道来自夹竹桃科植物宿主的任何 Trochila 物种。Trochila urediniophila 与锈菌 Cerotelium fici 的 uredinia 相关。它是在亚瑟真菌馆 (Arthur Fungarium) 进行的锈病超寄生虫调查期间在 1912 年在特立尼达收集的单个样本中发现的。提供了宏观和微观形态学描述、插图和分子系统发育分析。这两个新物种被放置在特罗奇拉,在我们的六位点(SSU、ITS、LSU、rpb1、rpb2、tef1)和双位点(ITS、LSU)系统发育重建中都得到了高度支持。此外,Trochila 中还混合了两个物种:Trochila colensoi(以前被放置在 Pseudopeziza 中)和 T. xishuangbanna(最初被描述为 Calycellinopsis 中的唯一物种)。这项研究揭示了 Trochila 属的新寄主植物科、新的生态策略和新的国家记录。最后,我们的工作强调了存放在真菌等生物收藏中的标本的重要性。