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Beyond Implicit Bias: Embodied Cognition, Mindfulness, and Critical Reflective Practice in Social Work
Australian Social Work ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1080/0312407x.2020.1850816
Yuk-Lin Renita Wong 1 , Jana Vinsky 2


Implicit bias studies in psychology and cognitive science focus primarily on the individual self, and more recently on the brain. In this article, we argue that the embodied cognition paradigm, which encompasses both the functional body and the environment, can provide more relevant insights for social work. Implicit bias is not just in the brain. It is in the dynamic systems process of a living body that constitutes, and is constituted by, the social, cultural and historical conditions. We explore the potential of mindfulness combined with critical reflective practice in catching and processing the visceral moment of bias and in interrupting its effect. We underline the importance of including interventions that target the environment—the cultural and social context—which constitutes the other aspect of embodied cognition. We argue for the development of integrated and multi-faceted intervention strategies to address implicit bias that include professional training in embodied self-awareness as well as organisational and institutional changes.

  • The embodied cognition paradigm that integrates the body and the environment offers a wider lens to address implicit bias than the current dominant psychological and biological focused approach.

  • Teaching body awareness combined with critical reflective practice can enhance anti-oppressive and critical social work practice.

  • Intervention strategies to interrupt the impact of implicit bias must be multi-faceted to include the whole dynamic body system and the organisational and cultural contexts.





  • 含意
  • 与目前的主流心理和生物学重点研究方法相比,将身体与环境融合在一起的内在认知范式为解决隐性偏见提供了更广阔的视角。

  • 教学身体意识与批判性反思练习相结合可以增强反压迫性和批判性社会工作实践。

  • 干预策略可以消除内在偏见的影响,必须是多方面的,以包括整个动态的身体系统以及组织和文化环境。
