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Investigating the Sense of Smell and Its Relevance to Embodied Social Work Practice: Exploring the Literature
Australian Social Work ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1080/0312407x.2020.1847306
Lorraine Green 1


Smell is one of the many senses we deploy to act in and on our world. It is arguably the most visceral, ubiquitous, and immediately experienced, but simultaneously devalued and understudied, sense. Smell is often processed in an unconscious manner, exposing social class, gendered, age-based and racialised stereotypes. Smell therefore links to structural inequalities, affecting marginalised client groups who may emit certain smells, abide in malodorous environments, possess smell deficits, or exhibit strong emotional reactions to specific smells. Without relevant knowledge, social workers may associate various smells directly with negative individual personality or group characteristics or misinterpret situations. They could consequently unwittingly oppress subordinated groups, contravening value-based, anti-oppressive and reflexive practice. This article therefore explores the limited multidisciplinary literature on smell, supporting more informed and ethical practice decisions.

  • The senses, particularly smell, have been mostly overlooked in social work. As a result, social workers may often ignore, be unaware of, or react autonomously to issues involving smell.

  • The multidisciplinary literature analysed and synthesised in this article illuminates smell’s, hitherto unrecognised, importance in social work. It begins to enable practitioners to identify when smell becomes a problematic issue, and reflexively respond in an informed, empathic manner.

  • The article also strongly suggests that greater attention should be paid to smell in future social work education, practice, and research.





  • 含意
  • 在社会工作中,感觉,尤其是气味,被大多数人忽视了。结果,社会工作者可能经常忽略,不了解或自主地应对涉及气味的问题。

  • 本文分析和综合的多学科文献阐明了气味在社会工作中的重要性,这是迄今为止尚未被认识的。它开始使从业人员能够识别气味何时成为有问题的问题,并以知情的,移情的方式反思性地做出反应。

  • 文章还强烈建议在未来的社会工作教育,实践和研究中应更加注意气味。
