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Experiencing Aboriginal Perspectives Through the Embodied Concept of the Tree of Life: Implications for Developing a Teaching Resource
Australian Social Work ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1080/0312407x.2020.1849333
Jodie Satour 1 , Sophie Goldingay 2


In Australia, some non-Aboriginal social workers and academics have difficulty working in partnership with Aboriginal children, families, and communities because they do not know how to build authentic relationships and are fearful of doing so. This is particularly the case in Child Protection where children continue to be removed from Aboriginal families. Reciprocal and genuine relationships involve holding Aboriginal worldviews as equally valid as Euro-western ones. For non-Aboriginal social workers and academics, this means moving beyond a “helping” stance, and towards genuine openness to learn and understand the world, and their place in it, in new ways. This paper shows how two social work academics undertook building relationships with Traditional Custodians in our local area to establish a resource for students that foregrounds Aboriginal ways of knowing and learning by using the Tree of Life concept to embody Aboriginal experiences. The Aboriginal author focused on coming together respectfully to create a better-shared understanding on connecting to Country. For the non-Aboriginal author, a transformation occurred, gaining embodied understanding of her own belonging and connection to Country. The paper concludes with reflections useful to others embarking on this journey.


  • Cultivating an academic environment that prioritises forming authentic relationships with Traditional Custodians on Country is essential in order to be culturally responsive.

  • A decolonising embodied concept, Tree of Life, invites social workers to take a journey of personal self-discovery, of belongingness, and cultural heritage.

  • A simulation resource developed with Traditional Custodians can disrupt daily instances of colonisation and work toward social workers reflecting on practice to minimise further harm in working with Aboriginal communities.






  • 为了在文化上具有响应性,培养优先与国家的传统保管人建立真实关系的学术环境至关重要。

  • 一种非殖民化的体现概念,即生命之树,邀请社会工作者踏上个人自我发现,归属感和文化遗产的旅程。

  • 与传统保管人一起开发的模拟资源可以打乱日常的殖民活动,并向社会工作者努力思考实践,以最大程度地减少与原住民社区合作的伤害。
