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EXPRESS: Investments in nascent project-based enterprises: The interplay between role-congruent reputations and institutional endorsement
Organization Studies ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-11 , DOI: 10.1177/0170840621994521
Angelo Tomaselli 1 , Joris Jan Ebbers 1 , Giuseppe Torluccio 2

We study nascent project-based enterprises (PBEs) through the lens of upper echelons and institutional theory. We analyse the interplay between the different role-congruent reputations of their project entrepreneurs and the institutional endorsement of their project idea, theorizing how these affect PBEs’ ability to attract private investments. In the context of the Italian film industry, we find that the commercial reputation of the project entrepreneur in the producer role is crucial for attracting investors, while the artistic reputation of the project entrepreneur in the creative director role is crucial for attaining institutional endorsement of the project idea. Finally, we find that the effect of the commercial reputation of the project entrepreneur in the producer role on attracting investments is mediated by the institutional endorsement. We contribute to the literature on PBEs by demonstrating how specific combinations of project entrepreneurs’ roles and (role-congruent) reputations can directly and indirectly attract investments.



