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Taxonomic implications of pollen morphology for species of Passiflora L., subgenus Deidamioides (Harms) Killip (Passifloraceae)
Palynology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2021.1887952
Rita de Cássia Matos dos Santos Araújo 1 , Teonildes Sacramento Nunes 2 , Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos Santos 2 , Marileide Dias Saba 3


Deidamioides, one of the four subgenera proposed for the genus Passiflora, is distributed in South and Central America, with its species, until now having been grouped in five sections: Deidamioides, Mayapathanthus, Tryphostemmatoides, Polyanthea and Tetrastylis. Within the current delimitation, subg. Deidamioides is not clearly defined and has a very controversial taxonomic history. The taxonomic complexity of this subgenus has been discussed by some phylogenetic studies attempting to clarify its monophyletic status and the positioning of species within its sections. The main objective of the present study was to analyze the pollen grains of species of subg. Deidamioides with the aim of finding diagnostic characters that can corroborate the taxonomic positioning of its sections and species. Polliniferous material was acetolyzed, measured and described using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Four pollen types and two subtypes were established for the analyzed species based on apertural characteristics: Pollen Type I (Subtype I.1. Passiflora contracta, P. igrapiunensis and P. timboënsis; Subtype I.2. P. cirrhiflora, P. macdougaliana, P. tryphostemmatoides and P. ovalis); Pollen Type II (P. obovata); Pollen Type III (P. arbelaezii and P. gracillima); and Pollen Type IV (P. deidamioides). The results confirm recent proposals that subg. Deidamioides is polyphyletic, and that it possesses apertural characteristics similar to those of subgenera Astrophea, Decaloba and Passiflora.


花粉形态对 Passiflora L., Deidamioides (Harms) Killip (Passifloraceae) 亚属物种的分类学意义


Deidamioides,提出了属四个亚属的一个西番莲,分布在南美洲和中美洲,以其品种,到现在为止已经在五个部分进行了分组:DeidamioidesMayapathanthusTryphostemmatoidesPolyantheaTetrastylis。在当前的划界范围内,subg。黛达米亚德没有明确定义并且具有非常有争议的分类学历史。一些试图澄清其单系状态和物种在其部分内的定位的系统发育研究已经讨论了该亚属的分类学复杂性。本研究的主要目的是分析 subg 物种的花粉粒。Deidamioides的目的是找到可以证实其部分和物种分类定位的诊断特征。使用光学和扫描电子显微镜对花粉材料进行乙酰化、测量和描述。基于孔径特征为分析的物种建立了四种花粉类型和两种亚型:花粉类型 I(亚型 I.1. Passiflora contracta , P. igrapiunensisP. timboënsis;亚型 I.2。P. cirrhiflora , P. macdougaliana , P. tryphostemmatoidesP.椭圆形); II型花粉(P. obovata);花粉III型(P. arbelaeziiP. gracillima); 和花粉 IV 型(P. deidamioides)。结果证实了最近提出的建议。Deidamioides是多系的,它具有类似于AstropheaDecalobaPassiflora亚属的特征
