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Long‐term community dynamics in vascular epiphytes on Annona glabra along the shoreline of Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Journal of Ecology ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13618
Helena J.R. Einzmann 1 , Tizian Weichgrebe 1 , Gerhard Zotz 1, 2

  1. Despite the ecological importance of vascular epiphytes in the tropics, even basic information on the processes that form epiphyte communities is scarce. This is partially due to an almost complete lack of long‐term studies.
  2. Here, we present data that were collected in three consecutive censuses over 21 years in a monospecific host tree system that is about 100 years old and interpret them in an empirical and a metapopulation/metacommunity framework.
  3. We documented an ongoing increase in abundance and diversity at the level of the entire system (metacommunity) and at the level of communities (all epiphytes growing on individual Annona glabra tree stands). This was also reflected at the population level; >2/3 of the species showed positive population growth rates. Similarly, colonisation of empty Annona trees was still ongoing, with the most abundant species being also the first to colonise empty trees. The community composition of colonised trees became more similar with time. In all three censuses, habitat size of epiphytes explained much of the variation in species richness among stands (groups of trees with individual trees within 25 m of each other) and overall abundant species tended to be more abundant at the stand scale. The species frequency distribution was unimodal, regardless of whether considering all stands or only stands with very large epiphyte communities, indicating that the metacommunity still has not reached an equilibrium phase. Similarly consistent in both census intervals, population growth rates decreased with increasing population size with substantial asynchrony among populations.
  4. Synthesis. In contrast to a typical herbaceous plant community, this epiphyte metacommunity is still expanding after one century of development. Our study shows that previously reported short‐term patterns of epiphyte community dynamics hold true in the long term. It remains to be shown, however, whether results from this monospecific host tree system are really representative for epiphyte community dynamics in more diverse tropical forests.


巴拿马Barro科罗拉多岛海岸线上的Annona glabra附生维管植物的长期群落动态

  1. 尽管维管附生植物在热带地区具有重要的生态意义,但即使缺乏关于形成附生植物群落的基本信息。部分原因是由于几乎完全缺乏长期研究。
  2. 在这里,我们介绍了在大约100年的单特异性宿主树系统中,在21年中连续三个普查中收集的数据,并在经验和metapopulation / metacommunity框架中对其进行了解释。
  3. 我们记录了整个系统(迁移)和社区(所有单生Annona glabra林分上生长的所有附生植物)的丰度和多样性的持续增长。这也反映在人口一级;> 2/3的物种显示出正的种群增长速度。同样,空Annona的定殖树木仍在进行中,最丰富的物种也是第一个殖民空树的物种。随着时间的流逝,殖民地树木的群落组成变得越来越相似。在所有三个人口普查中,附生植物的生境大小解释了林分(各树丛之间的树木之间的距离在25 m之内)物种丰富度的变化,并且总体上丰富的树种在林分范围内趋于丰富。物种频率分布是单峰的,无论是考虑所有林分还是仅具有非常大的附生植物群落的林分,都表明该亚群落还没有达到平衡阶段。同样在两次普查间隔中一致的是,人口增长率随着人口规模的增加而下降,并且人口之间存在很大的异步性。
  4. 综合。与典型的草本植物群落相反,这种附生植物群落在一个世纪的发展之后仍在不断扩展。我们的研究表明,从长远来看,以前报道的附生植物群落动态的短期模式是成立的。但是,这种单特异性寄主树系统的结果是否真的能代表更多样化的热带森林中附生植物群落动态还有待观察。