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Hydrologic variability effects on catches of Prochilodus nigricans in the lower Amazon
Aquatic Sciences ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s00027-021-00782-y
Daniela Barros , Miguel Petrere , Leandro Castello , Paulo Brasil Santos , Davi Butturi-Gomes , Victoria Judith Isaac

Flooding events in large rivers, termed flood pulses, expand and contract habitat available for fish populations, affecting fish abundance and catches. Here, we investigated if river hydrologic variability affected catch of curimatã (Prochilodus nigricans), a widely distributed and economically important fish species of the Amazon Basin. Using fish catch and fishing effort data for the lower Amazon region collected between 1993 and 2004, we performed an (i) analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to understand the intra-annual relationship, and (ii) a cross-correlation function (CCF) to assess the inter-annual lag associated between river water levels and catches. We found that the intra-annual relationship between monthly river water levels and monthly catches of P. nigricans was negative, resulting in greater catches during lower river water levels and vice versa. We also found positive correlations with an inter-annual lag of 15-months between river water levels and catch, indicating that years with more extensive flooding lead to greater than normal catches of P. nigricans 15 months later. Increased flooding can be hypothesized to lead to increased survival and growth rates of P. nigricans. This dependency of catches of P. nigricans on river hydrological cycles underscores the threat posed by ongoing hydrological alterations to fish-related food and income security in the region. Further research is necessary to assess the extent to which such hydrological effects can impact multispecies fisheries catches in light of growing levels of fishing pressure.



大河流中的洪水事件称为洪水脉动,会扩大和缩小可供鱼类种群使用的栖息地,从而影响鱼类的丰度和产量。在这里,我们调查了河流水文变异性是否影响了库里马塔(Prochilodus nigricans)的捕获量,库里马塔(Prochilodus nigricans)是亚马逊河流域的一种分布广泛且在经济上重要的鱼类。我们使用1993年至2004年收集的亚马逊河下游地区的渔获量和捕捞努力数据,进行了(i)协方差分析(ANCOVA)以了解年内关系,以及(ii)互相关函数(CCF)评估河流水位和渔获量之间的年际滞后。我们发现,月河水位和黑潮每月捕获量之间的年内关系为负值,导致河水水位较低时捕获量增加,反之亦然。我们还发现,河水位与渔获量之间的年际滞后时间为15个月呈正相关,这表明洪水泛滥的年份导致15个月后黑果虾的渔获量高于正常水平。可以假设洪水泛滥会导致黑黑夜蛾的生存和生长速度增加。黑胡椒捕获量的这种依赖性河流水文循环的变化突出了该地区正在进行的水文变化对与鱼类有关的粮食和收入安全的威胁。考虑到不断增加的捕鱼压力,有必要进行进一步的研究以评估这种水文影响对多物种渔业产量的影响程度。
