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Artificial Intelligence in the Dutch Press: An Analysis of Topics and Trends
Communication Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.1080/10510974.2020.1733038
Maurice Vergeer 1

ABSTRACT The present study focuses on newspaper articles published in all newspapers in the Netherlands from 2000 up to 2018 on how they report on artificial intelligence. The study showed how reporting changes over time and how different types of newspapers report differently about various topics in the field of artificial intelligence. The findings show that newspapers increasingly report about AI from 2014 onward. Newspapers do so on a wide range of topics related to AI. Several types of newspapers showed distinct coverage of many artificial intelligence-related topics. Although robots and their football capabilities appear to be ever-present in newspapers, recent articles about tech giants and fake news are more prominent in newspapers. One of the most notable findings was that religious newspapers published less about AI topics, even though some topics on artificial intelligence have religious connotations (cf. singularity, consciousness). Sentiments about AI in newspaper articles remained balanced between positive and negative sentiments over the years.



摘要 本研究的重点是 2000 年至 2018 年在荷兰所有报纸上发表的关于他们如何报道人工智能的报纸文章。该研究展示了报道如何随时间变化以及不同类型的报纸如何对人工智能领域的各种主题进行不同的报道。调查结果显示,从 2014 年开始,报纸越来越多地报道人工智能。报纸就与人工智能相关的广泛主题进行了报道。几种类型的报纸对许多与人工智能相关的话题都有不同的报道。尽管机器人及其足球能力似乎一直出现在报纸上,但最近关于科技巨头和假新闻的文章在报纸上更为突出。最显着的发现之一是宗教报纸对人工智能主题的报道较少,即使关于人工智能的一些主题具有宗教内涵(参见奇点、意识)。多年来,报纸文章中关于人工智能的情绪在积极和消极情绪之间保持平衡。