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Kalven Jr., Harry. The New York Times Case: A Note on “The Central Meaning of the First Amendment,” 1964 Sup. Ct. Rev. 191
Communication Law and Policy ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10811680.2020.1767410
Joseph Russomanno 1

Imagining an America in which officials in the highest positions of federal government support laws that criminalize the speech of their critics is not difficult. Not only were such laws passed in 1798 and 1917-18, assaults on First Amendment culture have extended into the twenty-first century. To punish his critics, for example, then-candidate Donald Trump pledged to “open up” libel laws. The ruling most responsible for narrowing libel law and limiting the success of public official plaintiffs was New York Times Co. v. Sullivan Co. A landmark analysis of the ruling followed. Taking Justice William Brennan’s opinion, Harry Kalven Jr. extracted a small phrase and breathed life into the large concept that remains as vital and



想像一下美国,联邦政府最高职位的官员支持将其批评者的言论定为犯罪的法律并不难。不仅在1798年和1917-18年通过了这样的法律,对《第一修正案》文化的攻击还延伸到了二十一世纪。例如,为了惩罚他的批评者,当时的候选人唐纳德·特朗普承诺“开放”诽谤法。对缩小诽谤法和限制公职原告成功负有最大责任的裁定是纽约时报诉沙利文公司。随后对该裁定进行了具有里程碑意义的分析。哈里·卡尔文·小(Harry Kalven Jr.)接受威廉·布伦南(William Brennan)法官的意见,从中提取了一个小词组,并将生命注入了仍然重要而又重要的大型概念