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Penetrating Trauma: Representing Rape in the Historical Drama series Feast of the Uninvited
Communicatio ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02500167.2019.1569542
Anna-Marie Jansen van Vuuren 1

ABSTRACT In the drama series Feast of the Uninvited, director Katinka Heyns portrays some of the pain and trauma experienced by families during the South African War (also known as the Anglo-Boer War). Within the storyline, the character of Magrieta Van Wyk is raped by a Boer man. This is one of the first physical “on screen” representations of rape in an Afrikaans television production, and because of this, the MNET series ignited a lot of controversy among audiences. Through this representation, Heyns challenges the traditional notion of the “pure and heroic” Boer hero that has become a well-known archetype within films and drama series set against this time period. While witnessing Magrieta’s rape on screen, we only later find out that the black housemaid Siena was also raped in a concentration camp reserved for black women and children. It is one of the first audio-visual case studies that mention black women’s suffering during this war, but it is still only given a brief glance. The author concludes that the collaborative effort of Heyns and cinematographer Koos Roets, combined with powerful performances, recreates the harshness of the South African War, and more specifically the traumatic experiences of women during this war.



摘要 在电视剧《不速之客的盛宴》中,导演卡廷卡·海恩斯描绘了南非战争(也称为英布战争)期间家庭所经历的一些痛苦和创伤。在故事情节中,Magrieta Van Wyk 的角色被一名布尔人强奸。这是南非荷兰语电视制作中第一次在屏幕上真实再现强奸行为,因此,MNET 系列在观众中引发了很多争议。通过这种表现,海恩斯挑战了“纯洁而英勇”的布尔英雄的传统观念,这种观念已成为这一时期电影和电视剧中众所周知的原型。在屏幕上目睹玛格丽塔被强奸的同时,我们后来才发现,黑人女佣锡耶纳也在专为黑人妇女和儿童设立的集中营中被强奸。这是第一个提到黑人妇女在这场战争中所受苦难的视听案例研究之一,但它仍然只是一瞥。作者的结论是,海恩斯和摄影师库斯·罗茨的合作努力,加上强大的表演,再现了南非战争的残酷,更具体地说,再现了女性在这场战争中的创伤经历。