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What can we learn from sports and sports coaching?
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2018.1429194
Ioanna Iordanou

Welcome to this issue of Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. Alongside the high-quality submission of coaching related research in this journal, there has been a gradual increase in articles that explore different facets of sports coaching. In consequence, as editors, we have been asking the following questions: Is sports coaching research relevant to the readers of our journal and other relevant journals that publish coaching research? If so, how can studies in sports coaching contribute to our understanding of coaching in spheres such as business, leadership development, education, health, and, generally, life? Moreover, how can studies in sports coaching help advance the growing body of coaching research? I would like to start this editorial by categorically arguing that the sphere of sports can offer significant insights into fields such as business, health, and education, amongst others. This is because fast-paced and competitive environments such as those of elite sports, business, and health can be considered ‘rigorous laboratories for effective coaching’ (McCarry, 2016, p. 245) and, in consequence, can offer significant ‘lessons learnt’ for anyone involved in this fascinating professional service. Sports coaching can be divided into three main areas: sports-specific coaching (technical/ physical); game-day or event-related coaching (tactical/strategic); and individual or team coaching (emotional resilience/mind-set) (De Haan & McCarry, 2017, p. 21). In the first instance, one might argue that this type of coaching is a completely different ‘kettle of fish’. Indeed, for all of us who work as coaches in contexts such as business organisations and public sector institutions, to name just a few, the definition we have of the coaching professional is somewhat different to that of the sports coach. According to Bresser and Wilson (2010, p. 10), a coach empowers clients to achieve ‘self-directed learning, personal growth, and improved performance’. She does so by facilitating structured conversations that are based on specific conversational techniques and skills, and that aim to enable the coachee to set and achieve goals that lead to personal and professional development (van Nieuwerburgh, 2017). But isn’t sports coaching premised on similar attributes? In a recent enlightening article on the similarities between Sports Coaching and Executive Coaching, De Haan and McCarry (2016, p. 7) argued that ‘modern sports coaching is a discipline [...] misunderstood’, and it is ‘far more nuanced than a simple act of skills training’. Despite particular nuances of specific sports, in professional sports coaching the main focus is improved performance, which is primarily measured through tangible outcomes (Ibid.). This is not distinct from other types of coaching, such executive coaching, where the client strives to improve specific aspects of their professional (and personal) conduct. In non-elite sports, especially in contexts of youth sports, enabling the development of the whole person is amongst the sports coach’s responsibilities (Ibid., Iordanou, Hawley, & Iordanou, 2017, pp. 157–165), which is more akin to developmental interventions such as life coaching. Elite professional sports coaching has also increasingly become more attuned to combining technical finesse with personal development. In this respect, physical performance and mental well-being are complementary objectives in several types of coaching, including sports coaching. As De



欢迎阅读本期《指导:国际理论,研究与实践杂志》。除了本期刊中高质量提交的教练相关研究外,探索体育教练不同方面的文章也逐渐增多。因此,作为编辑,我们一直在提出以下问题:体育教练研究与我们的期刊以及其他发表教练研究的相关期刊的读者相关吗?如果是这样,体育教练的研究如何有助于我们对商业,领导才能发展,教育,健康以及整个人生等领域的教练理解?此外,运动教练研究如何帮助推动教练研究的发展?首先,我要断言体育领域可以为商业,卫生和教育等领域提供重要的见解。这是因为诸如精英体育,商业和健康等快节奏和竞争性的环境可以被视为“有效教练的严格实验室”(McCarry,2016,第245页),因此,可以提供重要的“经验教训” '参与这项迷人的专业服务的任何人。体育教练可以分为三个主要领域:体育教练(技术/体育);比赛日或与事件有关的教练(战术/策略);以及个人或团队的辅导(情绪弹性/思维定式)(De Haan&McCarry,2017年,第21页)。首先,有人可能会认为这种教练是完全不同的“鱼缸”。的确,对于我们所有人在商业组织和公共部门机构等领域担任教练的人,仅举几例,我们对教练职业的定义与体育教练的定义有所不同。根据Bresser和Wilson的观点(2010年,第10页),教练授权客户实现“自主学习,个人成长和绩效提高”。她通过促进基于特定对话技巧和技能的结构化对话来做到这一点,旨在使受训者设定并实现能够促进个人和职业发展的目标(van Nieuwerburgh,2017)。但是体育教练不是以类似的属性为前提的吗?在最近关于体育教练与行政教练之间相似性的启发性文章中,De Haan和McCarry(2016,p。7)认为“现代体育教练是一门被误解的学科”,并且“更加细微之处”。而不是简单的技能培训”。尽管特定运动有细微差别,但在专业运动教练中,主要重点是提高绩效,这主要是通过切实的成果来衡量的(同上)。这与其他类型的教练(例如高管教练)没有区别,在这种教练中,客户努力改善其专业(和个人)行为的特定方面。在非精英体育运动中,尤其是在青少年体育运动中,使整个人的发展成为体育教练的职责之一(同上,Iordanou,Hawley和Iordanou,2017年,第157-165页),这更类似于诸如生活指导之类的发展干预措施。精英职业体育教练也越来越重视将技术精湛与个人发展相结合。在这方面,身体表现和心理健康是包括体育教练在内的几种教练的补充目标。作为德