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Promoting career optimism and career security during career coaching: development and test of a model
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2019.1707247
Katharina Ebner 1


This study explores how career coaching contributes to clients’ career optimism and career security from a career resource perspective. Drawing from the Career Resources Model (Hirschi [2012]. The career resources model: An integrative framework for career counsellors. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40(4), 369–383), we propose that career identity resources (self-clarity and career-goal clarity) are essential prerequisites to develop career optimism and career security which are needed to successfully plan and manage careers. Data drawn from a single career coaching intervention for university students served as basis to develop and test a framework linking career identity resources with the psychological career variables career optimism and career security and revealed that working on clients’ self-clarity positively contributes to the development of career-goal clarity, career optimism and career security. The findings additionally outline that the positive effects of career coaching on clients’ career optimism and career security are explained by an increase in career-goal clarity. These results suggest a process model for career coaching interventions.




这项研究从职业资源的角度探讨了职业教练如何为客户的职业乐观和职业安全做出贡献。从职业资源模型中提取(Hirschi [2012]。职业资源模型:职业顾问的综合框架。《英国指导与咨询杂志》,40(4),369–383),我们建议职业身份资源(自我明确和职业目标清晰)是发展职业乐观和职业安全的基本前提,而成功职业和职业安全是成功规划和管理职业所必需的。从一次针对大学生的职业指导干预中获得的数据,作为开发和测试将职业认同资源与心理职业变量,职业乐观和职业安全感联系起来的框架的基础,并表明,致力于服务对象的自我声明对促进职业发展起到了积极作用。职业目标清晰,职业乐观和职业安全感。调查结果还概述了职业指导对客户职业乐观和职业安全的积极影响可以通过职业目标清晰度的增加来解释。
