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Amnesty: Title IX Policies and Christian Colleges
Christian Higher Education ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-15 , DOI: 10.1080/15363759.2019.1664352
Britney N. Graber 1

Abstract Underreporting of sexual assault on college campuses is a growing concern for institutions of higher education. Amnesty clauses in Title IX policies intend to reduce barriers to reporting, encouraging victims and witnesses to come forward with any knowledge or experience of an incident of sexual assault. However, little research has been conducted on Christian college campuses and Title IX issues. In an effort to close this scholarly gap, this study explores the 112 Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) member institutions located in the United States to determine what, if any, types and extent of amnesty they afford complainants and/or witnesses during Title IX investigations. The findings of this study demonstrate that some form of amnesty provision is apparent in about half of CCCU institutions. However, after a content analysis of these institutions’ Title IX policies, this study reveals that only five out of the 112 CCCU member institutions afford complete and comprehensive amnesty to complainants and witnesses during a Title IX investigation. As relevant literature and federal Title IX guidance suggest, this lack of true amnesty has major implications for Title IX reporting and best practices on Christian college campuses.



摘要 大学校园性侵犯的少报是高等教育机构日益关注的问题。第九条政策中的大赦条款旨在减少举报障碍,鼓励受害者和证人提供有关性侵犯事件的任何知识或经验。然而,关于基督教大学校园和第九条问题的研究很少。为了弥合这一学术差距,本研究探索了位于美国的 112 基督教学院和大学理事会 (CCCU) 成员机构,以确定他们在期间对投诉人和/或证人提供的特赦类型和程度(如果有的话)。第九条调查。这项研究的结果表明,在大约一半的 CCCU 机构中,某种形式的特赦条款是显而易见的。然而,在对这些机构的 Title IX 政策进行内容分析后,本研究表明,在 Title IX 调查期间,112 个 CCCU 成员机构中只有 5 个对投诉人和证人提供了完整和全面的特赦。正如相关文献和联邦第九条指导所表明的那样,缺乏真正的大赦对第九条报告和基督教大学校园的最佳实践有重大影响。