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Equal emphasis on “research” and “representation”: A new analysis of Ranke’s debut work
Chinese Studies in History ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00094633.2020.1720491
Lü Heying

Abstract Although Leopold von Ranke’s debut work Geschichten der romanischen und germanischen Völker von 1494 bis 1535 (History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations [1494–1535]) was not fully mature, it allowed him to obtain a teaching position at the University of Berlin, thus marking the commencement of the Rankean era in modern German historiography. Later generations produced a host of commentaries on this classic work, focusing particularly on the line “wie es eigentlich gewesen” in the preface to the first edition, as well as the appendix Zur Kritik neuerer Geschichtsschreiber (In Criticism of Modern Historians). In referring to Ranke’s essay in response to Heinrich Leo, we find that the preface to the first edition exhibits an “invisible” tripartite structure composed of “purpose,” “research,” and “representation”; regarding the question of whether greater emphasis should be laid on “research” or “representation,” Ranke argued for an equal emphasis on “research” and “representation.” In examining the reasons why Ranke held this view, first, it was associated with the system of “research” of the contemporary period; and second, it was related to Ranke’s grand aspirations to revive classical history-writing. The existing studies cling to one side or another, while failing to take note of the fact that Ranke’s views, as described above, were objectively favorable to emphasizing the importance of “research” in historiography.



摘要尽管Leopold von Ranke的处女作《 Geschichten der romanischen und germanischenVölkervon 1494 bis 1535》(拉丁和条顿国家历史[1494–1535])尚未完全成熟,但它使他获得了柏林大学的教学职位,因此标志着兰肯时代在现代德国史学中的开始。后来的世代对这部经典著作发表了许多评论,特别是在第一版的序言中特别提到了“ wie es eigentlich gewesen”一词,以及附录Zur Kritik neuerer Geschichtsschreiber(《现代历史学家评论》)。在参考兰格的论文对海因里希·利奥的回应时,我们发现第一版的序言展现出一种由“目的”,“研究”和“代表”组成的“不可见”的三方结构。关于是否应更加强调“研究”或“代表”的问题,兰格主张应同时强调“研究”和“代表”。在考察兰克之所以坚持这种观点的原因时,首先,它与当代的“研究”系统有关;其次,这与兰克(Ranke)复兴古典历史写作的雄心壮志有关。现有的研究固守在一边,而没有注意到上述事实,即兰克的观点客观上有利于强调史学中“研究”的重要性。它与当代“研究”系统有关;其次,这与兰克(Ranke)复兴古典历史写作的雄心壮志有关。现有的研究固守在一边,而没有注意到上述事实,即兰克的观点客观上有利于强调史学中“研究”的重要性。它与当代“研究”系统有关;其次,这与兰克(Ranke)复兴古典历史写作的雄心壮志有关。现有的研究固守在一边,而没有注意到上述事实,即兰克的观点客观上有利于强调史学中“研究”的重要性。