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The Dimensions of the Future
Chinese Literature Today Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/21514399.2018.1513743
Dai Jinhua , Chenshu Zhou

In this article, Dai Jinhua problematizes the notion of the future in our current age of global capitalism. Her central question is “do we still have a future?” She connects the proliferation of end-of-the-world imagination in world cinema with an underlying sense of crisis that has spread across the world since the end of the Cold War. The end of the world in filmic representations, she observes, has evolved from being caused by manmade disasters to being the result of natural events, reflecting a shared inability to deal with the crisis of capitalism. Another prominent global issue that is manifested in recent science-fiction movies is the growing gap between the rich and the poor. Dai pays particular attention to the role of technology, which increases the polarization rather than promising a better future for all. Recognizing that a solution cannot be found within the current system, Dai calls for a renewed utopian imagination to bring humankind into the future.



在这篇文章中,戴金华对当今全球资本主义时代的未来概念提出了问题。她的核心问题是“我们还有未来吗?” 她将世界电影中世界末日想象的扩散与冷战结束以来在世界各地蔓延的潜在危机感联系起来。她观察到,电影表现中的世界末日已经从人为灾难演变为自然事件的结果,反映了共同无力应对资本主义危机。最近科幻电影中表现出来的另一个突出的全球问题是贫富差距越来越大。Dai 特别关注技术的作用,它增加了两极分化,而不是承诺为所有人创造更美好的未来。