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Rewriting the History of Subject English through the Lens of ‘Literary Sociability’
Changing English Pub Date : 2019-08-15 , DOI: 10.1080/1358684x.2019.1649116
Brenton Doecke 1

ABSTRACT This essay offers readings of three significant texts within the history of subject English: The Teaching of English in England (1921), The Education of the Poetic Spirit (1949), and Growth Through English (1967). These texts each yield valuable insights into what students and their teachers can learn through their exchanges with one another within the social space of the classroom, especially the conversations that centre on the reading and writing they do together. Those insights, however, become more readily available to us if we resist accepted accounts of the history of subject English and attempt to read these texts anew. All three texts provide important intellectual resources in the struggle against neoliberal tendencies in educational thinking. The very attempt to engage in a responsive and nuanced dialogue with them over the historical divide that separates us constitutes a significant form of resistance to the instrumentalist thinking that characterises neoliberal ideology.



摘要 本文提供了学科英语历史中三部重要文本的阅读材料:英格兰英语教学(1921 年)、诗意教育(1949 年)和英语成长(1967 年)。这些文本都提供了宝贵的见解,让学生和他们的老师在课堂的社交空间中通过彼此交流可以学到什么,尤其是他们一起进行的以阅读和写作为中心的对话。然而,如果我们抵制公认的关于英语学科历史的叙述并试图重新阅读这些文本,我们就会更容易获得这些见解。所有这三本书都为与教育思想中的新自由主义倾向作斗争提供了重要的智力资源。