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‘The First Shots of the First World War’: The Sarajevo Assassination in History and Memory
Central Europe ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14790963.2017.1355514
Paul B. Miller 1

We all know the image. Many of us first saw it in our school texts or local newspaper whenever the First World War was on the lesson plan or another anniversary of the Sarajevo assassination rolled around. It has adorned book covers and album covers, appeared in serious works of scholarship, university-level textbooks, museums, children’s books, and comic strips. And today it is all over the Internet. It is, one could say, iconic. Taken just minutes after the murder, the photograph forces our eye to the far right, where a dapperly dressed man is being brutally propelled towards an open doorway by an Austrian gendarme and plain-clothes policeman. Although the man’s face slants downward with the rest of his resisting body, its grimace is palpable, and pained. The jostling crowd behind, meanwhile, bolsters the scene’s forward momentum, while in the centre of the image a second, sabre-wielding gendarme is pushing aside a man in a fez. As everyone knows and even Wikipedia confirms, it is the arrest of Gavrilo Princip.1 Or is it? On the tenth anniversary of the Sarajevo assassination, one Ferdo Ber (Ferdinand Behr) allegedly saw the photo in the Vienna paper Das Interessante Blatt and recognized himself.2 It is unclear why Ber would wait until 1930 to publish an article in the Sarajevo journal Pregled describing his surprise at first spotting the picture. Perhaps it was beginning to become ubiquitous, though the photo had appeared on the cover of Wiener Bilder as early as July 5, 1914, with the caption: ‘The arrest of the murderer Princip’.3 Then, too, Ber used the occasion to describe how he had grabbed the arm of a gendarme who was beating Princip and, ‘with colorful language’, bellowed in German



我们都知道图像。每当第一次世界大战出现在课程计划中或萨拉热窝暗杀事件的另一个周年纪念日到来时,我们中的许多人第一次在学校课本或当地报纸上看到它。它装饰了书籍封面和专辑封面,出现在严肃的学术著作、大学教科书、博物馆、儿童读物和连环画中。而今天它遍布互联网。可以说,这是标志性的。谋杀案发生几分钟后,这张照片迫使我们的视线转向最右边,一名衣着考究的男子正被一名奥地利宪兵和便衣警察残忍地推向敞开的门口。虽然男人的脸随着他抵抗的身体的其余部分向下倾斜,但它的鬼脸是明显的,而且很痛苦。与此同时,身后拥挤的人群推动了现场的前进势头,而在图像的中心,一秒钟,挥舞着军刀的宪兵正在将一个人推到一旁。众所周知,甚至维基百科都证实,这是对 Gavrilo Princip 的逮捕。1 或者是吗?在萨拉热窝遇刺十周年之际,据称一位费尔多·贝尔 (Ferdinand Behr) 在维也纳报纸 Das Interessante Blatt 上看到了这张照片并认出了自己。 2 目前尚不清楚为什么贝尔要等到 1930 年才在萨拉热窝杂志 Pregled 上发表文章描述他第一次看到这张照片时的惊讶。也许它开始变得无处不在,尽管这张照片早在 1914 年 7 月 5 日就出现在 Wiener Bilder 的封面上,标题是:“凶手普林西普被捕”。3 然后,Ber 也利用这个机会描述他如何抓住一名正在殴打普林西普的宪兵的手臂,并“用丰富多彩的语言”,