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Cleansing the Czechoslovak Borderlands: Migration, Environment, and Health in the Former Sudetenland
Central Europe ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14790963.2017.1412734
Mary Heimann 1

The Legionary headquarters only moved from Iaşi, the Moldavian capital, to Bucharest in 1933. Codreanu ceased wearing Moldavian peasant costume in favour of a suit and tie. Nevertheless, Schmitt argues that Codreanu remained essentially a national romantic from rural Moldavia, more at home in nature and in the mountain monasteries than amongst Bucharest intellectuals. It is therefore not surprising that for Codreanu the salvation of the Romanian nation was ultimately religious rather than political. There is much in this volume that will be of interest to those seeking to understand the origins, growth and popularity of the Romanian Legionary movement. More importantly, however, Schmitt gives us important insights into the mind-set and character of one of inter-war Europe’s most popular and charismatic fascist leaders.



军团司令部于 1933 年才从摩尔达维亚首都雅西迁至布加勒斯特。科德里亚努不再穿摩尔达维亚农民服装,转而穿西装打领带。尽管如此,施密特认为,科德里亚努本质上仍然是摩尔达维亚乡村的民族浪漫主义者,与布加勒斯特知识分子相比,他在大自然和山区修道院中更自在。因此,对于 Codreanu 而言,罗马尼亚民族的拯救最终是宗教性的而不是政治性的,这并不奇怪。想要了解罗马尼亚军团运动的起源、发展和流行程度的人会对本书中的很多内容感兴趣。然而,更重要的是,施密特为我们提供了重要的见解,让我们深入了解二战期间欧洲最受欢迎和最具魅力的法西斯领导人之一的心态和性格。