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Celebrity in the #MeToo Era
Celebrity Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2020.1751493
Gaston Franssen 1

On 11 March 2020, Harvey Weinstein was sentenced in a New York courtroom to 23 years in prison. After five days of deliberation, the jury acquitted the former Hollywood producer on the charges of predatory sexual assault but found him guilty of criminal sexual acts and rape (Levenson et al. 2020). Allegations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein, who formed and led the major production companies Miramax and The Weinstein Company, were first reported in October 2017. Since then, over a hundred accusers – actresses, models and employees of the producer – have stepped forward, including Asia Argento, Rose McGowan, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cate Blanchett, Daryl Hannah, and Uma Thurman. Taken together, the accusations paint a shocking picture of decades of sexual harassment, rape, intimidation, and attempts at settlements. The much-mediatised trial fuelled the global #MeToo movement, founded by civil rights activist Tarana Burke in 2006, and spurred on by actress Alyssa Milano who, in the wake of the first Weinstein allegations, encouraged women to tweet ‘Me Too’ if they had ever experienced sexual harassment or assault. The hashtag has now become the general title for a revealing chapter in the history of celebrity culture and well beyond: the #MeToo era. However, the Weinstein case is certainly not the first chapter in this history, nor is it likely to be the last. The list of male celebrities who have been ‘de-celebrified’ (Mortensen and Kristensen 2020) after charges of sex crimes is long and continues to grow: Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey or Matt Lauer are just a few recent additions, but examples go back as far as Roscoe Arbuckle in the 1920s or Errol Flynn in the 1940s. Apart from these cases of stars associated with sexual harassment, fame can be said to be marked by sexual transgression on a more fundamental level as well (Kavka 2020): celebrity culture has always been characterised by a unidirectional desires and extreme imbalances of power – although this, to be clear, in no way excuses the acts of the male offenders, nor does it lessen the suffering of their victims. It is this relation between celebrity and sexual transgression and abuse, as well as the response to the allegations thereof, that is addressed in this special issue of the Forum. The three contributions making up this issue resonate with previous influential publications in the field of celebrity studies. In 1986, Leo Braudy’s book The Frenzy of Renown (1997, p. 144) already touched upon the dynamics between fame, power, crime and sexual transgression in Ancient Greece; in Chris Rojek’s Celebrity (Rojek 2010) a full chapter is dedicated to fame and transgression; and in Celebrity Culture and Crime, Ruth Penfold-Mounce (2009) traces the many interrelations between celebrity and different forms of criminality. In the pages of Celebrity Studies, too, the relation between celebrity and sexual transgression has been thoroughly investigated, in particular in the special issues ‘Sex and celebrity’ (Mercer 2013)



2020年3月11日,哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)在纽约法庭上被判处23年徒刑。经过五天的审议,陪审团以掠夺性性侵犯罪名判处前好莱坞制片人无罪,但认定他犯有性犯罪和强奸罪(Levenson等,2020年)。2017年10月,首次报道了由温斯坦创立和领导主要生产公司Miramax和温斯坦公司的性行为不端的指控。此后,一百多名控告人(包括制片人,女演员,模特和雇员)挺身而出,其中包括亚洲Argento,Rose McGowan,Gwyneth Paltrow,Cate Blanchett,Daryl Hannah和Uma Thurman。总而言之,这些指控令人震惊地描绘了数十年来的性骚扰,强奸,恐吓和定居尝试。受到广泛关注的审判推动了全球#MeToo运动的发展,该运动是由民权运动人士Tarana Burke于2006年创立的,并受到女演员Alyssa Milano的鼓励。在首次出现Weinstein指控之后,Alyssa Milano鼓励女性在Twitter上鸣叫“ Me Too”曾经遭受过性骚扰或性侵犯。如今,主题标签已成为名人文化历史上一个崭新篇章的总称号,并且远不止于此:#MeToo时代。但是,温斯坦案当然不是这段历史的第一章,也不可能是最后一章。在性犯罪指控之后被“去名人化”的男性名人名单(Mortensen和Kristensen 2020年)很长且仍在继续增长:比尔·科斯比,凯文·史派西或马特·劳尔只是最近的几位,但是例子可以追溯到1920年代的Roscoe Arbuckle或1940年代的Errol Flynn。除了这些与性骚扰相关的恒星案例,成名也可以说是在更根本的层面上进行性侵犯(Kavka,2020年):名人文化始终以单向性欲望和极端的权力失衡为特征-尽管显然,这绝不能为男性罪犯的行为辩解,也不能减轻其受害者的痛苦。论坛的这一期特刊讨论了名人与性侵犯和虐待之间的关系,以及对指控的回应。构成这一问题的三篇论文与先前在名人研究领域颇有影响的出版物产生了共鸣。1986年,利奥·布劳迪(Leo Braudy)的著作《名望的疯狂》(1997,第144页)已经触及了古希腊的名誉,权力,犯罪和性犯罪之间的关系。在克里斯·罗耶克(Chris Rojek)的名人(罗耶克(Rojek)2010)中,一整章专门讨论成名和过犯。Ruth Penfold-Mounce(2009)在《名人文化与犯罪》中追溯了名人与不同形式犯罪之间的许多相互关系。在名人研究的页面中,也对名人与性犯罪之间的关系进行了深入研究,特别是在“性与名人”等特殊问题中(Mercer,2013年)Ruth Penfold-Mounce(2009)追溯了名人与不同形式犯罪之间的许多相互关系。在名人研究的页面中,也对名人与性犯罪之间的关系进行了深入研究,特别是在“性与名人”等特殊问题中(Mercer,2013年)Ruth Penfold-Mounce(2009)追溯了名人与不同形式犯罪之间的许多相互关系。在名人研究的页面中,也对名人与性犯罪之间的关系进行了深入研究,特别是在“性与名人”等特殊问题中(Mercer,2013年)