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Archives in liquid times
Archives and Records ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-18 , DOI: 10.1080/23257962.2019.1567311
James Lowry 1

ments including maps, house books, and tenure books amongst others. There are also a number of important appendixes at the end, one of which (Appendix I) explains how the public can order the various valuation records at NAI. A useful chronology is also included in Appendix B. In addition to the sources held by NAI, McGee makes reference to reports from the select committees on valuation including the Spring Rice Report; various works by J.H. Andrews on the history of the Ordnance Survey; seminal works such as W. E. Vaughan’s Landlords and tenants in mid Victorian Ireland (Oxford 1994); and various articles published in Herries, Davies & Mollans’ Richard Griffith, 1784–1878: Papers Presented at the Centenary Symposium, Dublin 1980. This is an extraordinary book and a delight to read. The passion of the author clearly resonates throughout. Many of the records referenced can be found online, including the Primary valuation at http://askaboutireland.ie/griffith-valuation/ and various manuscript books at http://census.nationalarchives.ie/search/vob/home.jsp. McGee has produced a work of tremendous scholarship; however, it is written not just for scholars but for a wide range of readers, including genealogists, local historians, statisticians, and lovers of Irish history. It is timely that it was published in advance of the 200 anniversary of the 1824 report of the Spring Rice Committee which led to the creation of the Valuation Office and Ordnance Survey. Hopefully this book will inspire researchers to dig deeper within the treasure trove of valuation records at NAI.



包括地图、房屋书籍和任期书籍等。最后还有一些重要的附录,其中一个(附录I)解释了公众如何在NAI订购各种估值记录。附录 B 中还包含了一个有用的年表。除了 NAI 持有的资料来源外,McGee 还参考了估值专责委员会的报告,包括春米报告;JH Andrews 关于军械测量历史的各种著作;开创性的作品,如 WE Vaughan's Landlords and tenants in mid Victorian Ireland (Oxford 1994);以及发表在 Herries, Davies & Mollans 的 Richard Griffith, 1784–1878: Papers Presented at the Centenary Symposium, Dublin 1980 的各种文章。这是一本非凡的书,读起来令人愉悦。作者的热情显然贯穿始终。许多引用的记录都可以在网上找到,包括 http://askaboutireland.ie/griffith-valuation/ 上的主要评估和 http://census.nationalarchives.ie/search/vob/home.jsp 上的各种手稿书。麦基创作了一部极具学术价值的作品;然而,它不仅是为学者而写的,而且是为广泛的读者而写的,包括系谱学家、当地历史学家、统计学家和爱尔兰历史爱好者。它是在 1824 年春稻委员会报告 200 周年之前出版的,该报告导致了估价办公室和军械测量局的成立。希望这本书能激励研究人员深入挖掘 NAI 估值记录的宝库。ie/griffith-valuation/ 以及 http://census.nationalarchives.ie/search/vob/home.jsp 上的各种手稿书籍。麦基创作了一部极具学术价值的作品;然而,它不仅是为学者而写的,而且是为广泛的读者而写的,包括系谱学家、当地历史学家、统计学家和爱尔兰历史爱好者。它是在 1824 年春稻委员会报告 200 周年之前出版的,该报告导致了估价办公室和军械测量局的成立。希望这本书能激励研究人员深入挖掘 NAI 估值记录的宝库。ie/griffith-valuation/ 以及 http://census.nationalarchives.ie/search/vob/home.jsp 上的各种手稿书籍。麦基创作了一部极具学术价值的作品;然而,它不仅是为学者而写的,而且是为广泛的读者而写的,包括系谱学家、当地历史学家、统计学家和爱尔兰历史爱好者。它是在 1824 年春稻委员会报告 200 周年之前出版的,该报告导致了估价办公室和军械测量局的成立。希望这本书能激励研究人员深入挖掘 NAI 估值记录的宝库。包括系谱学家、当地历史学家、统计学家和爱尔兰历史爱好者。它是在 1824 年春稻委员会报告 200 周年之前出版的,该报告导致了估价办公室和军械测量局的成立。希望这本书能激励研究人员深入挖掘 NAI 估值记录的宝库。包括系谱学家、当地历史学家、统计学家和爱尔兰历史爱好者。它是在 1824 年春稻委员会报告 200 周年之前出版的,该报告导致了估价办公室和军械测量局的成立。希望这本书能激励研究人员深入挖掘 NAI 估值记录的宝库。