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The no-nonsense guide to born-digital content
Archives and Records ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-25 , DOI: 10.1080/23257962.2019.1606704
Emily Chen 1

the IRP and those who served in it. This includes a complete list of IRP stations and Revenue Police Parties and their geographical distribution. There is also a list of every man who served in the IRP from 1830 to 1857. The list includes surname, forename and year of enlistment. It also lists those who on disbandment of the IRP in 1857 transferred to either the RIC, the DMP, the Londonderry Borough (City) Police or became Resident Magistrates. For men who joined the RIC, information on their registered numbers are given and also whether they were dismissed, resigned, pensioned from, or died during RIC service. For the IRP men who were disbanded and did not join one of these other services name, final rank, station and gratuity amount are given. Jim Herlihy has again produced a real gift for students and researchers of Irish police forces. The text is crisp and very readable. The examples given are clear and informative. The tables and lists are concise but packed with useful information. The book is also beautifully illustrated. All told, it is a ‘must’ for the discerning researcher of the period.



IRP 和在其中任职的人。这包括 IRP 站和税务警察党及其地理分布的完整列表。还有一份从 1830 年到 1857 年在 IRP 服役的每个人的名单。该名单包括姓氏、名字和入伍年份。它还列出了那些在 1857 年 IRP 解散后转移到 RIC、DMP、伦敦德里自治市(市)警察局或成为驻地治安法官的人。对于加入 RIC 的男性,会提供有关其注册号码的信息,以及他们是否在 RIC 服务期间被解雇、辞职、领取养老金或死亡。对于被解散且未加入这些其他服务之一的 IRP 人员,将提供名称、最终等级、职位和酬金金额。Jim Herlihy 再次为爱尔兰警察部队的学生和研究人员制作了一份真正的礼物。文字很清晰,可读性很强。给出的例子清晰而翔实。表格和列表简洁但包含有用的信息。这本书的插图也很精美。总而言之,对于那个时期有眼光的研究人员来说,这是“必须的”。