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The Famine of 1932–1933 in Ukraine: an anatomy of the Holodomor
Canadian Slavonic Papers ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-23 , DOI: 10.1080/00085006.2019.1666614
Amber N. Nickell 1

the historical processes that Kalinovsky traces, with threads from the 1920s simply disappearing in the 1930s, only to reappear in the 1950s. Even if one accepts that Stalinism in Central Asia represented a colonial retrenchment, as Kalinovsky suggests, to treat the period as an aberration is to preclude precisely the sort of dynamic historical analysis to which the book is devoted. Stalinism is defined in rather static terms along imperial lines – a familiar vision for readers conversant in the literature on Stalinist Central Asia, but quite out of place in a book advancing a different framing of Soviet power. Development and anticolonialism, after all, meant something different in 1955 than they had in 1925. Their evolution was bound up in the historical dynamics that comprised Stalinism itself, and a more careful appraisal of these processes would have been appreciated. Yet such a critique, if anything, is a testament to the importance of Kalinovsky’s achievement. Having opened fresh avenues of inquiry, his book makes it difficult to accept a return to old frameworks.


