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Sacred places, emerging spaces: religious pluralism in the Post-Soviet Caucasus
Canadian Slavonic Papers ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00085006.2020.1750867
Konrad Siekierski 1

1930s that historically dominated studies of Stalinism, but Bernstein might have accomplished more by expanding the timeline further to include the 1920s and the postwar period, which are discussed only superficially. Beyond Soviet borders, the 1930s saw a surge in state-sponsored youth organizations, most notably in Germany and Italy. Bernstein is clearly familiar with this literature, but beyond noting general similarities in the introduction (7–8), the book rarely looks beyond Soviet borders; such an endeavour might have offered broader insight into the interwar period. However, this is not to detract from the broad lens through which Bernstein views the Soviet Union itself. Throughout the analysis, the author effectively weaves in anecdotes and experiences from individual activists across the country, drawing particularly from the Russian SFSR (including provincial archives in Karelia and Riazan') and the Ukrainian SSR. Although these stories might have been more systematically incorporated and drawn more extensively from nonSlavic territories, their inclusion offers a model for writing a more integrated history of the Soviet Union that takes into account the country’s geographic and ethno-linguistic diversity. As such, Bernstein offers a nuanced vision of how the Komsomol became a near ubiquitous presence in the regime’s attempts to socialize youth and exploit their sacrifices in its hour of greatest need.


