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Devastation and laughter: satire, power, and culture in the early Soviet state, 1920s–1930s
Canadian Slavonic Papers ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-30 , DOI: 10.1080/00085006.2019.1669397
Tomi Haxhi 1

government. In this case, a closer examination of the Soviet side could identify elements explaining this outcome in conjunction with the elements already mentioned in this book. This includes a possible investigation into the Soviet-led failed diplomatic strategy at the CSCE, which could create a more holistic account detailing successful and failed strategies. Understanding the transnational implications of human rights and dissidents, this book sparks other discussions about other contemporary transnational elements. Recognizing that diplomatic strategies can harness human rights to justify foreign policy and pursue a counter to rivals, can other pathways be promoted by states to do the same? This is a fundamental book for historians, diplomats, and political scientists who would like a reference of how international organizations come out of diplomatic negotiations and seemingly temporary gatherings. This is best exemplified by chapters one through four, which include detailed descriptions of the parties involved in the making of the CSCE and the discussions led by diplomats. It is an essential manual for effective diplomacy and political manoeuvring while manifesting liberalism and human rights as foreign policy goals. Due to its complexity, this should not be a starting point for those beginning to learn or understand the security dimensions of Europe in the late twentieth century, as it is far too detailed and nuanced for those studying in university for instance.


