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News and Notes
California Archaeology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/1947461x.2018.1535857
Shelly Davis-King 1

For a decade, News and Notes, including Sands of Time and In Memoriam, has been organized and edited by yours truly. Now before my own In Memoriam, it is time to pass the trowel/field notes on to the very capable Jennifer Darcangelo (Jennifer@scahome.org), whose first issue with California Archaeology will be 11(1). Remaining with her will be Mike Moratto, who has so admirably shepherded Sands of Time. From the first In Memoriam for Glen B. Wilson to the last herein for Georgie Waugh, we have honored 51 of our colleagues who have passed. Sands of Time has commemorated eight giants (some with their partners) in California archaeology beginning with Heizer and moving through Treganza, Meighan, the Fredericksons, Fenenga, Riddell, Baumhoff, and the Wallaces. We have presented data ranging from red light districts in a Chinese community and ancient fertility images to Lone Woman’s Cave and the mid-Holocene Gap. When Mark Allen tapped Terry Jones to be the first editor of California Archaeology, no one knew what the product would be. Ten years later, we have a world-class peer-reviewed journal that informs not only our membership but the larger archaeological community. Well done, Dr. Jones, and thank you ever so much for asking me to create this News and Notes column. It has been ten years well spent. Shelly Davis-King (shellydk@frontiernet.net)



十年来,新闻和笔记,包括时间之沙和纪念馆,一直由您真正组织和编辑。现在在我自己的 In Memoriam 之前,是时候将泥刀/现场笔记传递给非常有能力的 Jennifer Darcangelo (Jennifer@scahome.org),他的加州考古学第一期将是 11(1)。留在她身边的是迈克·莫拉托 (Mike Moratto),他出色地牧养了时光之沙。从 Glen B. Wilson 的第一个 In Memoriam 到 Georgie Waugh 的最后一个,我们向 51 位已逝的同事表示敬意。Sands of Time 纪念了加利福尼亚考古学中的八位巨人(一些与他们的伙伴),从海泽开始,穿过特雷甘萨、梅根、弗雷德里克森、费嫩加、里德尔、鲍姆霍夫和华莱士。我们提供的数据范围从华人社区的红灯区和古代生育率图像到孤独女人的洞穴和全新世中期的鸿沟。当马克艾伦任命特里琼斯成为加州考古学的第一位编辑时,没有人知道该产品会是什么。十年后,我们拥有一本世界一流的同行评议期刊,不仅为我们的会员提供信息,还为更大的考古界提供信息。干得好,琼斯博士,非常感谢你让我创建这个新闻和注释专栏。它已经度过了十年的美好时光。雪莉戴维斯金 (shellydk@frontiernet.net) 我们拥有世界一流的同行评审期刊,不仅为我们的会员提供信息,还为更大的考古界提供信息。干得好,琼斯博士,非常感谢你让我创建这个新闻和注释专栏。它已经度过了十年的美好时光。雪莉戴维斯金 (shellydk@frontiernet.net) 我们拥有世界一流的同行评审期刊,不仅为我们的会员提供信息,还为更大的考古界提供信息。干得好,琼斯博士,非常感谢你让我创建这个新闻和注释专栏。它已经度过了十年的美好时光。雪莉戴维斯金 (shellydk@frontiernet.net)