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Metadata as a machine for feeling in Germaine Greer’s archive
Archives and Manuscripts ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-10 , DOI: 10.1080/01576895.2019.1568266
Millicent Weber 1 , Rachel Buchanan 2

ABSTRACT What happens when a human coder meets a machine one? This article explores this question with reference to the archive of Professor Germaine Greer: Australian-born feminist, performer, scholar, and professional controversialist. It does so by staging two very different data encounters with the 70,000-word finding aid for the print journalism series, a key component of Greer’s archive. The first encounter is archivist’s creation of the finding aid; the second, archivist and literary scholar’s interpretation of this archival metadata using sentiment analysis. Interrogating these activities side-by-side opens up a productive middle ground between humanities scholars and computer technicians, between historians and archivists, between the hand made and the machine made. This article argues that sentiment analysis offers a new and highly productive method of interrogating archival metadata, and that, as a method which privileges emotive understandings of content, it is particularly appropriate to the study of feminist archives like Greer’s. It also argues that these kinds of detailed finding aids are new datasets that reward analysis in their own right, and particularly when considered in dialogue with—rather than simply used as straightforward navigational tools for—the ‘original’ archival content.


元数据作为感觉机器在 Germaine Greer 的档案中

摘要当人类编码员遇到机器编码员会发生什么?本文参考 Germaine Greer 教授的档案来探讨这个问题:澳大利亚出生的女权主义者、表演者、学者和专业争议者。它通过使用 70,000 字的印刷新闻系列(格里尔档案的一个关键组成部分)的查找辅助来安排两个截然不同的数据相遇来做到这一点。第一次遭遇是档案管理员创建的查找辅助工具;第二,档案工作者和文学学者使用情感分析对档案元数据的解释。并排询问这些活动可以在人文学者和计算机技术人员之间、历史学家和档案管理员之间、手工制造和机器制造之间开辟一条富有成效的中间地带。本文认为,情感分析提供了一种新的、高效的询问档案元数据的方法,并且作为一种优先对内容的情感理解的方法,它特别适合研究像格里尔这样的女性主义档案。它还认为,这些类型的详细查找辅助工具是新的数据集,它们本身就奖励分析,特别是在与“原始”档案内容的对话中考虑时——而不是简单地用作直接的导航工具——“原始”档案内容。