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Kingdom of Heaven and its ideological message
CINEJ Cinema Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-14 , DOI: 10.5195/cinej.2017.158
Yiou Liu

As a Crusades epic, the film Kingdom of Heaven revives the 12th century history in the critical city of Jerusalem. The story surrounds a French blacksmith Balian who defends Jerusalem and contends with the Islamic leader Saladin who attempts to seize back the holy city from the Christians. Through the special themes in region, religion and war, Kingdom of Heaven seems to indicate the conflicts between the East and the West. Furthermore, the outbreaks of 9/11 and the Iraq War definitely make this film’s release more controversial. Kingdom of Heaven, being a film, an essential medium of mass communication, the style in which it expresses its story and ideology is worth considering in depth. By exploring this Hollywood film which lacks of the typical Hollywood style, this paper discusses the significance in making Kingdom of Heaven in the wake of 9/11 and how the critical debate surrounding the film is a reflection of contemporary ideologies.



作为十字军东征史诗,电影《天国》在关键城市耶路撒冷重现了12世纪的历史。故事围绕着一位保卫耶路撒冷的法国铁匠巴里安与试图从基督徒手中夺回圣城的伊斯兰领袖萨拉丁展开斗争。通过地域、宗教、战争等特殊主题,天国似乎在暗示东西方的冲突。此外,9/11 和伊拉克战争的爆发无疑使这部电影的上映更具争议性。《天国》作为电影,作为大众传播的重要媒介,其故事和意识形态的表达方式值得深入思考。通过探索这部缺乏典型好莱坞风格的好莱坞电影,