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“Wait! I don’t get it! Can we translate?”: Explicit collaborative translation to support emergent bilinguals’ reading comprehension in the intermediate grades
Bilingual Research Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2020.1738286
Jessica Cano 1 , Nadeen Teresa Ruiz 2

ABSTRACT Throughout our targeted approach of explicit collaborative translation during small-group reading instruction in a bilingual education classroom, fourth grade emergent bilinguals employed the strategy to comprehend narrative text in a range of ways, similar to middle school students in reading instruction research. As students acknowledged the usefulness of their translation skills in constructing meaning with text, they also demonstrated increased initiative to engage in reading across classroom literacy events. Findings from this exploratory inquiry, including initial evidence of students’ developing bilingual identities of competence, suggest further research is warranted on explicit collaborative translation as part of a growing corpus of evidence-based translingual practices in bilingual classrooms.



摘要 在双语教育课堂的小组阅读教学中,我们采用有针对性的显式协作翻译方法,四年级新生双语者采用该策略以多种方式理解叙事文本,类似于阅读教学研究中的中学生。由于学生承认他们的翻译技能在用文本构建意义方面很有用,他们还表现出越来越多的主动参与课堂识字活动中的阅读。这项探索性调查的结果,包括学生发展双语能力身份的初步证据,表明需要进一步研究明确的协作翻译,作为越来越多的基于证据的双语课堂跨语言实践语料库的一部分。