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New Brutalism, Again
Architecture and Culture Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/20507828.2019.1614768
Juliana Kei 1

Abstract In January 1955, Architectural Design magazine published its first full-page article on New Brutalism. The article, coauthored by Alison and Peter Smithson and Theo Crosby, asserted that the movement could be attributed to a number of sources: a reevaluation of certain Modernist buildings of the 1920s and 30s, an interest in the work of the architectural historian Rudolf Wittkower, and a respect for traditional Japanese architecture. By focusing on the collaboration between Crosby and the Smithsons, this article highlights the importance they gave to Japanese architecture, which became for them a prism through which to reflect on Modernism and hence on their own work. The article retraces the debates between Peter Reyner Banham, the Smithsons and Crosby, in order to argue for the reintroduction of Crosby’s voice in the formulation of New Brutalism and its subsequent mutations.



摘要 1955 年 1 月,《建筑设计》杂志发表了第一篇关于新粗野主义的整版文章。这篇由艾莉森和彼得史密森以及西奥克罗斯比合着的文章断言,这场运动可以归因于多个来源:对 1920 年代和 30 年代某些现代主义建筑的重新评估,对建筑历史学家鲁道夫·维特考尔 (Rudolf Wittkower) 作品的兴趣,以及对日本传统建筑的尊重。通过关注克罗斯比和史密森家族之间的合作,这篇文章强调了他们对日本建筑的重视,这对他们来说成为反思现代主义的棱镜,从而反思他们自己的作品。这篇文章回顾了 Peter Reyner Banham、Smithsons 和 Crosby 之间的辩论,