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Pits, pots and plants at Pangwari — Deciphering the nature of a Nok Culture site
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0067270x.2020.1757902
Gabriele Franke 1 , Alexa Höhn 1 , Annika Schmidt 1 , Sylvain Ozainne 2 , Peter Breunig 1 , Katharina Neumann 1

ABSTRACT The central Nigerian Nok Culture is known for its elaborate terracotta figurines and iron metallurgy of the first millennium BC. Since 2005, Goethe University Frankfurt has carried out comprehensive research on this otherwise hardly known cultural complex, focusing on chronology, the structure and function of sites and their reoccupation, environment and subsistence and the function of the enigmatic terracotta figurines. Initial excavations demonstrated that features are scarce and sometimes nearly invisible and that they usually display a mixture of cultural materials of different ages. With an area of 2617 m2, the site of Pangwari represents the largest excavation of the Frankfurt Nok project, geared to tackle the project’s key questions. Application of detailed documentation and analysis methods reveals recurring site use between 1500 and 500 BC, a shift in site function and a spatial and temporal relationship between grave features, pits and a terracotta deposition. Canarium schweinfurthii and pearl millet were important constituents of Nok subsistence. Small-scale agriculture probably had only limited impact on the local vegetation, which was a mosaic of dry forests and woodlands. The present synopsis conveys the image of a Nok site, which started as a settlement in the second millennium BC and turned to ritual use around 800 BC.



摘要尼日利亚中部的诺克文化以其精美的陶俑和公元前一千年的铁冶金而闻名。自2005年以来,法兰克福歌德大学对这座鲜为人知的文化建筑群进行了全面研究,重点研究年代,遗址的结构和功能及其重新占用,环境和生存以及神秘的陶俑的功能。最初的发掘表明,地物稀少,有时几乎是看不见的,而且它们通常展示了不同年龄的文化材料的混合物。庞瓦里(Pangwari)占地2617平方米,是法兰克福诺克(Frankfurt Nok)项目的最大开挖,旨在解决该项目的关键问题。详细文档和分析方法的应用揭示了在1500年至BC年之间重复使用场地,场地功能发生变化以及坟墓特征,坑和兵马俑沉积之间的时空关系。Scharinfurthii和珍珠粟是Nok生存的重要组成部分。小型农业对当地植被的影响可能有限,因为当地植被是干旱森林和林地的马赛克。本提要传达的是Nok遗址的图像,该遗址始于公元前第二个千年的定居点,并在公元前800年左右转为仪式使用。小型农业对当地植被的影响可能有限,因为当地植被是干旱森林和林地的马赛克。本提要传达的是Nok遗址的图像,该遗址始于公元前第二个千年的定居点,并在公元前800年左右转为仪式使用。小型农业对当地植被的影响可能有限,因为当地植被是干旱森林和林地的马赛克。本提要传达的是Nok遗址的图像,该遗址始于公元前第二个千年的定居点,并在公元前800年左右转为仪式使用。