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Discursive Strategies and Dilemmas of Institutionalizing Social Justice in a Higher Education Setting
Western Journal of Communication ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10570314.2020.1798496
Suzy D’Enbeau , Kelsey Mesmer , Daniel Socha

This case study of a university residence services department’s attempts to institutionalize social justice reveals how organizational members’ social justice talk can affect organizational social justice outcomes. Analysis of interview and observational data identified four discursive strategies employed by organizational members: (a) delegating responsibility for promoting social justice to some members, (b) associating social justice only with promoting diversity, (c) narrowing the scope of members’ social justice action, and (d) rationalizing that the organization was not ready for social justice activism. These strategies worked together to restrict social justice activism in this organization to outcomes associated with mainstreaming social justice. Findings lead to pragmatic recommendations offered for institutionalizing social justice that could be transferable to this and other similar organizations.



这个关于大学住宿服务部门试图将社会正义制度化的案例研究揭示了组织成员的社会正义谈话如何影响组织社会正义的结果。对访谈和观察数据的分析确定了组织成员采用的四种话语策略:(a) 将促进社会正义的责任委托给某些成员,(b) 仅将社会正义与促进多样性联系起来,(c) 缩小成员社会正义的范围行动,以及 (d) 合理化组织尚未准备好进行社会正义行动。这些策略共同作用,将本组织中的社会正义行动主义限制在与社会正义主流化相关的结果。
