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An Explication of Visual Enactment in Advanced Style: Fashioning a Challenge to the Ideology of Old Age
Western Journal of Communication ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-24 , DOI: 10.1080/10570314.2019.1658892
Karen A. Foss 1 , Sonja K. Foss 2

In this essay, we use the outfits of Advanced Style and their challenge to the ideology of old age to theorize the rhetorical strategy of visual enactment. We propose that visual enactment involves four key elements—visibility, individuality, syncreticity, and futurity. Visibility makes an issue salient, individuality breaks apart an established category, syncreticity integrates disparate elements to create a new ideology, and futurity involves the anticipation of a new kind of future. Application of this theory to other discursive and nondiscursive artifacts will reveal the extent to which these features characterize enactment generally.



在本文中,我们将使用Advanced Style的服装及其对晚年意识形态的挑战来对视觉表演的修辞策略进行理论化。我们建议视觉制定涉及四个关键要素:可见性,个性,合体性和未来性。可见性使问题凸显,个性打破了既定的类别,合一融合了不同的元素以创建新的意识形态,而未来则涉及对新型未来的期待。该理论在其他话语和非话语人工制品上的应用将揭示这些特征在总体上表征立法的程度。