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A Base Cruck Aisled Hall at Frobury Farmhouse, Kingsclere, Hampshire
Vernacular Architecture ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03055477.2016.1234292
John Walker , from Edward Roberts

The core of Frobury Farmhouse, Kingsclere, Hampshire, is an aisled base cruck open hall built in c.1334/5d (Bridge and Miles, “Tree-Ring Dates from Oxford” (2015), 107) with a crown-post roof and passing braces in the closed trusses. Above all this is a full set of rafters from a mid-thirteenth-century aisled hall that had passing braces on all the trusses, tree-ring dated to 1263–8d, probably the predecessor to the base cruck hall. The 1334/5d arcade plates have edged halved and bridled scarf joints, the earliest tree-ring-dated example of these so far. These joints also show that all the arcade posts and the base cruck were erected first, before the arcade plates were laid from west to east on the north front arcade posts and from east to west on the rear posts.


位于汉普郡金斯克莱尔的弗罗伯里农舍的 Base Cruck Aisled Hall

汉普郡金斯克莱尔 Frobury Farmhouse 的核心是一个建于 c.1334/5d(Bridge and Miles,“Tree-Ring Dates from Oxford”(2015),107)的过道底座开放式大厅,带有冠柱屋顶和在封闭的桁架中传递支撑。最重要的是,这是来自 13 世纪中叶的过道大厅的全套椽子,所有桁架上都有过道支撑,树轮可追溯到 1263-8d,可能是基础 cruck 大厅的前身。1334/5d 街机板的边缘有一半和带缰绳的围巾接头,这是迄今为止最早的树轮日期示例。这些接缝还表明,所有的拱廊柱和底座都是先竖立起来的,然后在北前拱廊柱上从西向东铺设拱廊板,在后柱上由东向西铺设拱廊板。