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Ritual and Art Across the Danish Reformation: Changing Interiors of Village Churches, 1450–1600
Vernacular Architecture ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03055477.2018.1524699
Lee Prosser

of Troy House is bleak’ (p. 61). If the purpose of the book is to draw attention to the architectural and historical significance of Troy, thereby providing a mandate for its future preservation, it has been an unequivocal success. The biography of the building presented by Benson advances understanding of the structure and site beyond all other previously published accounts. The work proceeds through seven interrelated chapters, including sections on the landscape setting, ownership history, architectural development, designed gardens, walled garden and built features within the demesne. This approach takes the study of the house beyond the sphere of architectural description, linking the building to the identity of its owners and, importantly, taking account of the house’s broader estate landscape setting — extending to the gardens, farmstead, deer park and estate facilities including the water mill, brick kiln, keeper’s cottage and conduit house. The methodology employed by the author is refreshingly multipronged for a house history, taking into account an array of sources including: estate archives (inventories, wills, correspondence, sale catalogues and estate maps); Welsh praise poetry; old photographs; oral history; archaeological finds; resistivity surveys; and visual and material culture (extending to an early painting of the hall by Hendrick Danckerts dated 1672). This broad range of material is well handled, allowing the author to chart a course through a complex building and ownership history. Benson shows how Troy developed into a site of significance during the fifteenth century, as part of the substantial landholdings amassed by Sir William ap Thomas (d. 1445) of Raglan, whose heir, Sir William Herbert (1423–69), was created 1st Earl of Pembroke. The Troy estate crystallised under the Herberts and remained fastened to the family interest for a period of some 150 years, including during the highs and lows associated with loyalty to the Yorkist cause. During the sixteenth century Troy was established as a residence of junior members of the family; a hall house which was an important site of local office-holding and administration under Sir William Herbert of Troy (d. 1524), its prominence confirmed by a visit from Henry VII in 1502. The sub-heading chosen for the book — ‘a Tudor estate through time’ — does not do justice to the author’s achievements in grounding the long-term architectural development of the site within a continually changing historical context. Between 1584 and 1600 Troy was purchased by the Somerset family and became part of a much broader, multinational complex. Benson demonstrates some of the ways in which the family utilised Troy as an expression of their status and identity, linking aspects of its function and appearance to the Catholic sympathies of the family (pp. 44–7) and a European tour of 1611–12 (pp. 47, 98–9). For the first time, Benson identifies Robert Warren as the architect commissioned to undertake the major remodelling works from 1678. Following the death of Charles Somerset (d. 1698), Troy ceased to be occupied by members of the family until 1852, when it was taken up as the residence of the 8th Duke of Beaufort and re-emerged as an important focal point in the social life of the community. The estate was auctioned off in sales in 1901 and 1929, with a group of French Endist nuns taking up occupancy of the house for much of the first half of the twentieth century, eventually converting the site into a school. The significance and distinctiveness of Troy rests on its status as an aristocratic residence in Wales. For much of its history it formed part of a larger complex of Somerset residences and landholdings, which included Raglan Castle, Chepstow Castle, Worcester House in London and Badminton Court. Benson’s research opens up questions about how this context influenced Troy’s development and use: how did the priorities, objectives and self-image of the Somersets map onto their different landholdings and powerbases and how did this influence their character? How did Troy’s position on the Wales–England border influence its cultural identity? We are told that, for much of its existence, Troy operated as the residence of estate stewards, men such as Sir William Powell (d. 1611), with the Somersets making only periodic use of the site and acting as quasi-absentee owners. It would have added to the biography of the place to hear more about the role of Troy as a centre for managing the Beaufort’s Welsh landholdings. Likewise, the tenantry, workforce and communities enveloped by the estate are largely absent from this study. The book is beautifully presented and the University of Wales Press should be applauded for including copious colour images, which are an essential component of publications of this type. The work forms a welcome addition to the growing number of publications on the built heritage and designed landscapes of Welsh estates. It opens up a number of questions which merit further exploration and will hopefully play a formative role in ensuring a vibrant future for the house.


丹麦宗教改革中的仪式和艺术:1450-1600 年乡村教堂内部的变化

的特洛伊之家是惨淡的”(第 61 页)。如果这本书的目的是引起人们对特洛伊的建筑和历史意义的关注,从而为其未来的保护提供授权,那么它无疑是成功的。本森提供的建筑传记增进了对结构和场地的理解,超越了所有其他先前发表的报道。这项工作通过七个相互关联的章节进行,包括关于景观设置、所有权历史、建筑发展、设计花园、围墙花园和直辖内建筑特色的部分。这种方法将房屋的研究超出了建筑描述的范围,将建筑物与其所有者的身份联系起来,重要的是,考虑到房屋更广泛的庄园景观环境——延伸到花园、农庄、鹿园和庄园设施,包括水磨坊、砖窑、饲养员小屋和管道房。作者采用的方法对于房屋历史来说是多方面的,考虑到了一系列来源,包括:遗产档案(库存、遗嘱、信件、销售目录和遗产地图);威尔士赞美诗;旧照片;口述历史;考古发现;电阻率测量;以及视觉和物质文化(延伸至 1672 年亨德里克·丹克茨 (Hendrick Danckerts) 对大厅的早期绘画)。这种广泛的材料得到了很好的处理,使作者能够通过复杂的建筑和所有权历史来绘制路线。本森展示了特洛伊如何在 15 世纪发展成为一个重要的遗址,作为拉格伦的威廉·阿普·托马斯爵士(卒于 14​​45 年)所积累的大量土地的一部分,他的继承人威廉赫伯特爵士(1423-69 年)被封为第一任彭布罗克伯爵。特洛伊庄园在赫伯特家族的统治下结晶,并在大约 150 年的时间里保持着家族利益,包括与对约克派事业的忠诚度相关的高潮和低谷。在 16 世纪,特洛伊被建立为家庭初级成员的住所。礼堂是特洛伊的威廉·赫伯特爵士(卒于 1524 年)领导下的地方办公和管理的重要场所,1502 年亨利七世的访问证实了它的突出地位。为这本书选择的副标题——'a都铎庄园随着时间的流逝”——并没有公正地评价作者在不断变化的历史背景下为该遗址的长期建筑发展奠定基础的成就。1584 年至 1600 年间,特洛伊被萨默塞特家族购买,并成为更广泛的跨国综合体的一部分。本森展示了该家族利用特洛伊城表达其地位和身份的一些方式,将其功能和外观的各个方面与家族的天主教同情心(第 44-7 页)和 1611-12 年的欧洲之旅联系起来(第 47、98-9 页)。本森首次将罗伯特·沃伦确定为受委托进行 1678 年以来主要改造工程的建筑师。查尔斯·萨默塞特 (Charles Somerset,卒于 1698 年) 去世后,特洛伊 (Troy) 不再被家族成员居住,直到 1852 8th Duke of Beaufort 的住所,并重新成为社区社会生活的重要焦点。该庄园于 1901 年和 1929 年被拍卖,在 20 世纪上半叶的大部分时间里,一群法国恩迪斯特修女占据了这座房子,最终把这个地方变成了一所学校。特洛伊的重要性和独特性在于其作为威尔士贵族住所的地位。在其历史的大部分时间里,它构成了更大的萨默塞特住宅和土地综合体的一部分,其中包括拉格伦城堡、切普斯托城堡、伦敦的伍斯特大厦和羽毛球场。本森的研究提出了关于这种背景如何影响特洛伊的发展和使用的问题:萨默塞特人的优先事项、目标和自我形象如何映射到他们不同的土地和权力基础上,这如何影响他们的性格?特洛伊在威尔士-英格兰边界上的位置如何影响其文化特征?我们被告知,在它存在的大部分时间里,特洛伊是庄园管理员的住所,比如威廉·鲍威尔爵士(卒于 1611 年),萨默塞特夫妇只定期使用该场地并充当准缺席业主。它将添加到这个地方的传记中,以了解更多关于特洛伊作为管理博福特威尔士土地的中心的作用。同样,本研究中也基本没有涉及被庄园包围的租户、劳动力和社区。这本书精美呈现,威尔士大学出版社应该为包含大量彩色图像而鼓掌,这些图像是此类出版物的重要组成部分。对于越来越多的关于威尔士庄园的建筑遗产和设计景观的出版物,这项工作是一个受欢迎的补充。