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Benjamin Fondane. Ulysses. Translated by Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody
Translation Review ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07374836.2018.1426956
Lynn Hoggard

translated concept is shaped by and reshapes the receiving cultural context. The issues raised in Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives are timely, and the authors’ responses to those issues are thoughtful. The bibliography is extensive and thorough. The diversity of voices and approaches is unified by a steady focus on the importance of activism, both in the definition of the field and its key terms, and in the application of feminist translation to a range of interpersonal, transnational, and textual contexts. The book will serve readers wanting to get up to speed on the current state of feminist translation studies as a useful reference. Translators and scholars alike will find it a rich source of working hypotheses and models of possible translation practices to question, modify, reshape, and reapply.



被翻译的概念被接受的文化背景塑造并重塑。Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives 中提出的问题是及时的,作者对这些问题的回应是深思熟虑的。参考书目广泛而详尽。声音和方法的多样性通过持续关注激进主义的重要性而统一,无论是在该领域的定义及其关键术语中,还是在女权主义翻译在一系列人际、跨国和文本背景下的应用中。本书将为想要了解女权主义翻译研究现状的读者提供有用的参考。译者和学者都会发现,它是一个丰富的工作假设和可能的翻译实践模型的来源,可以质疑、修改、重塑和重新应用。