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Anthony Pym. Translation Solutions for Many Languages: Histories of a Flawed Dream
Translation Review ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/07374836.2017.1329381
Gregary J. Racz

adverbial modifiers preserves the cadences of the German, so central to the effect. “Der Tod dreht wie immer seine jährlichen Runden” becomes: “As always, Death makes his yearly rounds” (not “annual”—too abstract). It’s important to duplicate the slight ritardando, not moving too fast to what death effects. And since the original treats death as a person with intent and purpose, Lewis adroitly personifies that force by invoking the tradition that includes Rilke’s “la mort meurtrière.” Language mastery and literary command abound everywhere in this translation, including in the choice of title. “Oblivion” preserves the ambiguity of “Vergessen”: not amnesia or blankness, but memory suppressed as a coping strategy, a half-conscious decision to push the past out of sight. Haderlap’s complex, rich novel of many registers finds a responsive, nuanced recreation in the work of Tess Lewis.



状语修饰语保留了德语的韵律,对效果如此重要。“Der Tod dreht wie immer seine jährlichen Runden”变成:“与往常一样,死亡每年都在轮回”(不是“每年”——太抽象了)。复制轻微的 ritardando 很重要,不要过快地达到死亡效果。由于原著将死亡视为一个有意图和目的的人,刘易斯通过援引包括里尔克的“死亡死亡”在内的传统巧妙地将这种力量拟人化。在这个翻译中,语言掌握和文学指挥无处不在,包括标题的选择。“Oblivion”保留了“Vergessen”的模棱两可:不是健忘或空白,而是作为一种应对策略而压抑的记忆,是一种将过去推到视线之外的半意识决定。Haderlap 复杂而丰富的小说包含了许多音域,找到了一个反应灵敏的,