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Translation Review ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07374836.2018.1559778
Sherilyn Hellberg

Tove Irma Margit Ditlevsen (1917–1976) is one of most important Danish writers of the twentieth century and a household name in Denmark. Born and raised in the workingclass neighborhood of Vesterbro, Copenhagen, she has written more than thirty books of poetry, novels, short stories, and memoirs, many of which deal with autobiographical material—her childhood in Vesterbro, her struggles with alcohol and substance abuse, her failed marriages, and her time in psychiatric institutions and rehabilitation centers. While Ditlevsen is taught in schools throughout Denmark, her work, until very recently, has been largely disregarded by the academic community as confessional writing. In the past few years, however, Ditlevsen has started to be revived as a very important figure for both Danish literature and feminism. Many of her works have recently been reprinted, and the contemporary author perhaps most responsible for her revival, Olga Ravn, has compiled and edited new collections of her essays and poetry. Despite Ditlevsen’s widespread popularity in Denmark, little of her work has been translated into English, and much of what has is now out of print. Like many of her prose works, the following short story, titled “The Umbrella” (1952), delves into the domestic drudgery and despair of a young, working-class woman. Helga, as we learn within the story’s first lines, is a young, hopeful girl, but unfortunately only “passably equipped” for adult life: “a little too small and a little too bland, with thin lips, an upturned nose, and—her only promising asset—a pair of large, curious eyes that an attentive observer might call ‘dreamy.’” Passive, easily flustered, and generally directionless, Helga, seemingly without doing or choosing much at all, falls into a marriage with a mechanic named Egon. After a series of disappointments, starting before the wedding day itself, her childhood obsession of owning an umbrella begins to return to Helga, perhaps a sign that she is craving something more. As we read:


TOVE DITLEVSEN,“伞”(来自伞和其他短篇小说)

Tove Irma Margit Ditlevsen (1917–1976) 是二十世纪最重要的丹麦作家之一,在丹麦家喻户晓。她在哥本哈根 Vesterbro 的工人阶级社区出生和长大,写了 30 多本诗歌、小说、短篇小说和回忆录,其中许多涉及自传材料——她在 Vesterbro 的童年,她与酒精和药物滥用的斗争,她失败的婚姻,以及她在精神病院和康复中心的时光。虽然 Ditlevsen 在丹麦各地的学校任教,但直到最近,她的作品在很大程度上被学术界视为忏悔写作。然而,在过去的几年里,迪特列夫森开始复兴,成为丹麦文学和女权主义的一个非常重要的人物。她的许多作品最近都被重印,而当代作家或许对她的复兴负有最大责任,奥尔加·拉文 (Olga Ravn) 已经汇编和编辑了她的散文和诗歌的新集。尽管 Ditlevsen 在丹麦广受欢迎,但她的作品很少被翻译成英文,而且大部分作品现已绝版。和她的许多散文作品一样,下面这个名为“雨伞”(1952)的短篇小说深入探讨了一个年轻的工人阶级妇女的家务劳动和绝望。正如我们在故事的第一行中了解到的那样,海尔加是一个年轻而充满希望的女孩,但不幸的是,她的成年生活“还算合格”:“有点太小,有点太平淡,嘴唇很薄,鼻子上翘,而且——她唯一有前途的资产——一双好奇的大眼睛,细心的观察者可能会称之为“梦幻”。”被动,容易慌乱,通常没有方向的海尔加,似乎根本没有做或选择太多,与一个名叫埃贡的机械师结婚。在经历了一系列失望之后,从婚礼当天开始,她童年时期对拥有雨伞的痴迷开始回到 Helga 身上,这或许表明她渴望更多。正如我们读到的: