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Everyday Revolutions: Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia
Australian Historical Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/1031461x.2020.1786900
Carole Ferrier 1

errors of fact, at least in areas known to this reviewer. All in all the work offers a well-paced read, touching upon most well-documented cases of collaboration between European natural historians and Aboriginal collectors. I particularly enjoyed the account of George Caley and Moowattin in the Sydney region. John Gould’s empathetic interactions with Aboriginal helpers in bird and mammal studies stood out, as did the extensive expeditions of John MacGillivray with Neinmal and Paida. Central Australian work is also well covered, with accounts of the Horn Expedition, Spencer and Gillen, and Hedley Finlayson. The co-authors reveal well-known and new aspects of cross-cultural interactions on natural history expeditions. The moving demise of so many mammals, more than on any other continent over the same historical period, remains a matter of continuing regret for Australians. In the book, Gerard Krefft’s 1857 evocative illustration of a living pigfooted bandicoot from the Murray River near Mondellimin is a particularly potent reminder of what has been lost. Have the co-authors achieved their aims for the book? In general terms, yes. An overview of Aboriginal collaboration with natural history collectors in parts of Australia is undoubtedly on offer. Yet, for this reader, the clear aim of continental breadth in some ways diminishes the story of a rich history incapable of being squeezed into 189 pages. Some myths are perpetuated. For example, in the epilogue, the only map in the book, of Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) and Working on Country ranger groups, is blank for vast areas of the continent, reflecting political realities and funding allocations. Central Australia, the western deserts and the Top End are where the biggest IPAs were found as at 2017. There is not a single entry in most of inland Queensland, in the Pilbara in northwestern Australia, nor in the southwest Noongar country where I work. Indeed, most of the southern half of Australia is bedecked with just a small scattering of tiny dots on this map. The reader might suppose that these vast regions are bereft of contemporary Aboriginal people interested in forming ranger groups or creating IPAs. Nothing is further from the truth. These are heartlands where cross-cultural interactions today are fraught due to extensive economic interests in farming and mining. Perhaps the authors could have highlighted this situation? It is ambitious these days to attempt to summarise major topics for the 250+ language groups of Indigenous Australians. If ever there was a time for localised histories, emphasising the uniqueness of bands and clans, we are in it now. Hopefully, this book will inspire readers to further investigations in their local area. To engage with Elders, respectfully, listen to their stories, hear and understand their language, and walk on country with them are life-changing experiences along the path towards reconciliation. I commend this book as an entry point. The depth and breadth of the full story is beyond its covers, but awaits those who wish to follow its lead and dig deeper.


日常革命:重塑 1970 年代澳大利亚的性别、性和文化

事实错误,至少在该评论者已知的领域。总而言之,这本书的阅读节奏很好,涉及欧洲自然历史学家和土著收藏家之间最有据可查的合作案例。我特别喜欢 George Caley 和 Moowattin 在悉尼地区的描述。John Gould 在鸟类和哺乳动物研究中与土著助手的善解人意的互动脱颖而出,John MacGillivray 与 Neinmal 和 Paida 的广泛探险也是如此。澳大利亚中部的工作也得到了很好的报道,包括 Horn Expedition、Spencer 和 Gillen 以及 Hedley Finlayson。合著者揭示了自然历史考察中跨文化互动的知名和新方面。如此多的哺乳动物的移动死亡,比同一历史时期的任何其他大陆都要多,对澳大利亚人来说仍然是一个持续的遗憾。在这本书中,杰拉德·克雷夫特 (Gerard Krefft) 于 1857 年创作的一幅令人回味的插图,描绘了一只来自蒙德利明附近墨累河的活猪脚袋狸,特别有力地提醒了人们已经失去的东西。合著者是否实现了他们对这本书的目标?一般来说,是的。毫无疑问,可以提供与澳大利亚部分地区的自然历史收藏家的土著合作概览。然而,对于这位读者来说,大陆广度的明确目标在某些方面削弱了无法挤进 189 页的丰富历史的故事。一些神话是永恒的。例如,在结语中,书中唯一的关于土著保护区 (IPA) 和为国家护林员团体工作的地图对于非洲大陆的广大地区来说是空白的,反映了政治现实和资金分配。截至 2017 年,澳大利亚中部、西部沙漠和 Top End 是发现最大 IPA 的地方。 昆士兰内陆的大部分地区、澳大利亚西北部的皮尔巴拉 (Pilbara) 以及我工作的西南部 Noongar 国家都没有一个条目。事实上,澳大利亚南半部的大部分地区都在这张地图上点缀着一小部分小点。读者可能会认为,这些广阔的地区没有对组建护林员团体或创建 IPA 感兴趣的当代土著人。没有什么比真相更深。由于农业和采矿业的广泛经济利益,这些地区是当今充满跨文化互动的中心地带。也许作者可以强调这种情况?如今,试图为 250 多个澳大利亚土著语言群体总结主要主题是一项雄心勃勃的工作。如果曾经有过本地化历史的时候,强调乐队和氏族的独特性,我们现在就在其中。希望这本书能激发读者在他们当地的进一步调查。恭敬地与长者交往,聆听他们的故事,聆听并理解他们的语言,并与他们一起在乡间漫步,是通往和解之路上的改变人生的经历。我推荐这本书作为切入点。整个故事的深度和广度超出了它的封面,但等待那些希望跟随其领导并深入挖掘的人。我们现在就在其中。希望这本书能激发读者在他们当地的进一步调查。恭敬地与长者交往,聆听他们的故事,聆听并理解他们的语言,并与他们一起在乡间漫步,是通往和解之路上的改变人生的经历。我推荐这本书作为切入点。整个故事的深度和广度超出了它的封面,但等待那些希望跟随其领导并深入挖掘的人。我们现在就在其中。希望这本书能激发读者在他们当地的进一步调查。恭敬地与长者交往,聆听他们的故事,聆听并理解他们的语言,并与他们一起在乡间漫步,是通往和解之路上的改变人生的经历。我推荐这本书作为切入点。整个故事的深度和广度超出了它的封面,但等待那些希望跟随其领导并深入挖掘的人。