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The smell of power: the Apishapa pilgrimage trail
Time and Mind ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/1751696x.2019.1681745
Thomas N. Huffman 1 , Frank Lee Earley 1

ABSTRACT Abstract rock art formed part of a pilgrimage trail that led from the lower Apishapa Canyon to the volcanic-like Spanish Peaks near Trinidad, Colorado. Hunter/gatherer ethnography from the southern Great Basin makes sense of abstract engravings in the canyon, at sites such as Cramer, Canterbury, and Snake Blakeslee. According to Great Basin ethnography, mature shamans should lead neophytes along sacred trails to volcanoes because they were sources of supernatural power, or puha. Within the Apishapa Canyon, sharp meanders and multiple confluences created at least two places of power, following Great Basin epistemology, both with tumbled sandstone boulders extensively pecked along their natural cracks. Neophytes, we suggest, pecked the cracks to acquire the inherent puha. Further along, the trail leads past a prominent igneous dike with small artificial platforms suitable for meditation by a single person. Moreover, flake scars and random peckings mark many tumbled boulders, but the stone is not suitable for tool production. Experimental bashing did not produce loud sounds or echoes, but it did produce a sulfurous odor. Since hot springs in the region also emit sulfur, and since hot springs are another source of puha, neophytes may well have struck the boulders in order to acquire supernatural power in another form.


权力的气味:Apishapa 朝圣之路

摘要 抽象岩画是从阿皮沙帕峡谷下游通往科罗拉多州特立尼达附近火山般的西班牙山峰的朝圣之路的一部分。来自大盆地南部的猎人/采集者民族志使峡谷中的抽象版画具有意义,在克拉默、坎特伯雷和蛇布莱克斯利等地点。根据大盆地民族志,成熟的萨满应该带领新手沿着神圣的小径到达火山,因为它们是超自然力量的来源,或 puha。在阿皮沙帕峡谷内,根据大盆地认识论,陡峭的蜿蜒曲折和多处汇流处至少创造了两个强大的地方,两者都沿着自然裂缝广泛啄食翻滚的砂岩巨石。我们建议新手通过啄裂缝来获得固有的 puha。再往前走,这条小径经过一条突出的火成岩堤,上面有适合一个人冥想的小型人工平台。此外,许多翻滚的巨石有片状疤痕和随机啄痕,但这种石头不适合工具生产。实验性猛击不会产生响亮的声音或回声,但确实会产生硫磺味。由于该地区的温泉也会释放硫磺,而且温泉是 puha 的另一个来源,因此新手很可能会撞击巨石以获得另一种形式的超自然力量。