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Time and Mind ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/1751696x.2019.1690222
Paul Devereux

Two of the several objectives of Time & Mind have been to shine a light on lesserstudied areas of the world and on a diversity of topics relevant to the umbrella theme of time and mind, and this issue handsomely encompasses those aims. We start off by following authors Thomas Huffman and Frank Lee Earley as they trace an ancient Native American pilgrimage trail they found revealed in their interpretation of rock-art clues. The trail is in Coloradowithin the eastern reaches of the Great Basin, and relates to Great Basin shamanism. The types of ‘stations’ along the route were varied, but many indicated places where it was believed puha – supernatural power – was particularly strong. Some of them consist of rocks which, when struck, produce sulphurous smells, which the authors suggest was ‘probably associated with puha emerging from the earth’ – the veritable smell of power. It is a fascinating multi-sensory journey. The next paper takes us far away to Fennoscandia – the lands surrounding the northern reaches of the Baltic Sea. Authors Hakonen and Hakamäki study mortuary practices there over a span of several millennia and differing cultures, a study in which they apply as their ‘rather unconventional’ archaeological interpretive key, ‘expressions of morality’. They set the vast expanse of time involved ‘on a flat temporal scale . . . revealing contradictions between different ideologies and worldviews over that time’. They caution against projecting ‘values that are prevalent in our society onto others’ and that it ‘is especially necessary to resist the lure of “common sense”when reflecting on prehistory, since what for us is common sense may turn out to be irrational for others’. In a way, this could be the motto of this journal. Continuing this issue’s wide-ranging travels, the third main paper, by Arbina Phonglo, allows us a glimpse into the vestiges of oral tribal beliefs in north-east India. The oral culture there was marginalized and all but eclipsed by the arrival of the Christian mission and the introduction of the written script in the 19 Century. Phonglo looks at the current writings of selected modern authors in the region who take the reader into a world where the worlds of spirits and humans co-exist. ‘A reader who is unaware of the belief system of the tribes of the Northeast might initially look at it as a “magical realism” genre,’ warns Phonglo, ‘but these writers have consciously weaved in every tradition and custom of their respective tribes’. Thus, in a fashion, these leading writers are preventing pre-colonization oral beliefs and customs from disappearing altogether. Phonglo points out that TIME AND MIND 2019, VOL. 12, NO. 4, 263–265 https://doi.org/10.1080/1751696X.2019.1690222



Time & Mind 的几个目标中的两个是照亮世界上鲜为人知的领域以及与时间和思想这一总主题相关的各种主题,本期很好地涵盖了这些目标。我们首先跟随作者托马斯·霍夫曼和弗兰克·李·厄利追踪他们在对岩石艺术线索的解释中发现的古老美洲原住民朝圣之路。这条小径位于大盆地东部的科罗拉多州,与大盆地萨满教有关。沿途的“车站”类型各不相同,但许多都表明人们认为普哈——超自然力量——特别强大的地方。其中一些由岩石组成,撞击时会产生硫磺味,作者认为这“可能与从地球上出现的普哈有关”——真正的力量气味。这是一次迷人的多感官之旅。下一篇论文将我们带到远处的芬诺斯坎迪亚(Fennoscandia)——波罗的海北部周围的土地。作者 Hakonen 和 Hakamäki 研究了数千年来不同文化中的太平间实践,他们将这项研究作为他们“相当非常规”的考古解释关键,“道德表达”。他们将所涉及的广阔时间“置于一个平坦的时间尺度上”。. . 揭示当时不同意识形态和世界观之间的矛盾”。他们告诫不要将“我们社会中普遍存在的价值观投射到他人身上”,并且“在反思史前史时,特别有必要抵制“常识”的诱惑,因为对我们来说常识可能会变得不合理。其他'。在某种程度上,这可能是这本杂志的座右铭。继续这个问题的广泛旅行,由 Arbina Phonglo 撰写的第三篇主要论文让我们得以一窥印度东北部口头部落信仰的遗迹。那里的口头文化被边缘化,几乎被 19 世纪基督教传教士的到来和书面文字的引入所掩盖。Phonglo 着眼于该地区选定的现代作家的当前着作,他们将读者带入了一个精神世界和人类世界共存的世界。“不了解东北部部落信仰体系的读者最初可能会将其视为一种‘魔幻现实主义’类型,”Phonglo 警告说,“但这些作家有意识地融入了各自部落的每一个传统和习俗” . 因此,在某种程度上,这些主要作家正在阻止殖民前的口头信仰和习俗完全消失。Phonglo 指出 TIME AND MIND 2019,VOL。12,没有。4、263–265 https://doi.org/10.1080/1751696X.2019.1690222 Phonglo 指出 TIME AND MIND 2019,VOL。12,没有。4、263–265 https://doi.org/10.1080/1751696X.2019.1690222 Phonglo 指出 TIME AND MIND 2019,VOL。12,没有。4、263–265 https://doi.org/10.1080/1751696X.2019.1690222