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Quasi-state of emergency: assessing the constitutionality of Ghana’s legislative response to Covid-19
The Theory and Practice of Legislation ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1080/20508840.2020.1777648
Maame Efua Addadzi-Koom 1, 2

ABSTRACT On 15 March 2020, the President of the Republic of Ghana addressed the nation on anti-coronavirus measures which took effect immediately. He directed the Attorney-General to submit an emergency legislation to Parliament and the Minister for Health to issue an immediate Executive Instrument to regulate the relevant measures. Five days later, Parliament passed the Imposition of Restrictions Act, 2020 (IRA) after a voice count in its favour. A few days, thereafter, the President issued an Executive Instrument (E.I. 64) pursuant to the IRA. The minority members of Parliament, some legal scholars and interested Ghanaians expressed their disapproval of the procedures leading to the enactment of the IRA as well as its nature, form and content. The contentions cover multiple constitutional and legal grounds including the procedural propriety of using a voice vote in Parliament for emergency legislation, the necessity of a new emergency legislation and the time limit for the new emergency legislation. Essentially, these issues point to assessing the overall constitutionality of the law-making procedures and legislative provisions of the IRA. This is the focus of this paper. The paper argues that the IRA stands unconstitutional from the very beginning of its intended existence. The paper concludes that while the IRA is currently operational, its continued existence is challengeable under the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, thus, there is a window of opportunity to right the wrong.


准紧急状态:评估加纳对 Covid-19 的立法反应的合宪性

摘要 2020 年 3 月 15 日,加纳共和国总统就立即生效的抗冠状病毒措施向全国发表讲话。他指示总检察长向议会和卫生部长提交紧急立法,以立即发布行政文书来规范相关措施。五天后,议会在获得赞成票后通过了《2020 年实施限制法》(IRA)。几天后,总统根据 IRA 发布了一份行政文书 (EI 64)。议会的少数议员、一些法律学者和感兴趣的加纳人表示不赞成导致制定爱尔兰共和军的程序及其性质、形式和内容。争论涵盖多个宪法和法律依据,包括在议会中对紧急立法使用语音投票的程序适当性、新紧急立法的必要性以及新紧急立法的时限。从本质上讲,这些问题指向评估 IRA 的立法程序和立法规定的整体合宪性。这是本文的重点。该论文认为,爱尔兰共和军从其预期存在的一开始就违宪。该文件的结论是,虽然爱尔兰共和军目前正在运作,但根据 1992 年加纳宪法,其继续存在是有挑战的,因此,存在纠正错误的机会之窗。新紧急立法的必要性和新紧急立法的时限。从本质上讲,这些问题指向评估 IRA 的立法程序和立法规定的整体合宪性。这是本文的重点。该论文认为,爱尔兰共和军从其预期存在的一开始就违宪。该文件的结论是,虽然爱尔兰共和军目前正在运作,但根据 1992 年加纳宪法,其继续存在是有挑战的,因此,存在纠正错误的机会之窗。新紧急立法的必要性和新紧急立法的时限。从本质上讲,这些问题指向评估 IRA 的立法程序和立法规定的整体合宪性。这是本文的重点。该论文认为,爱尔兰共和军从其预期存在的一开始就违宪。该文件的结论是,虽然爱尔兰共和军目前正在运作,但根据 1992 年加纳宪法,其继续存在是有挑战的,因此,存在纠正错误的机会之窗。该论文认为,爱尔兰共和军从其预期存在的一开始就违宪。该文件的结论是,虽然爱尔兰共和军目前正在运作,但根据 1992 年加纳宪法,其继续存在是有挑战的,因此,存在纠正错误的机会之窗。该论文认为,爱尔兰共和军从其预期存在的一开始就违宪。该文件的结论是,虽然爱尔兰共和军目前正在运作,但根据 1992 年加纳宪法,其继续存在是有挑战的,因此,存在纠正错误的机会之窗。