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Fighting the “hurricane winds” of abortion liberalization: Americans United for life and the struggle for self-definition before Roe v. Wade
The Sixties Pub Date : 2018-05-11 , DOI: 10.1080/17541328.2018.1469254
Prudence Flowers 1

Abstract In 1971, anti-abortion leaders in the United States came together to establish a new national organization, Americans United for Life (AUL). In its first year, AUL struggled to put ecumenism into practice and deliberated over how best to spread its message. After months of often-bitter debate, right-to-lifers in AUL chose compromise over absolutism and education over protest. They positioned themselves within the secular rather than the theological realm and rejected emotive, ideological, or partisan appeals. They envisaged an anti-abortion activism that could transcend religious and political divisions, believing that only this approach would facilitate the growth of a truly mass right-to-life citizenry.



摘要 1971 年,美国反对堕胎的领袖们齐聚一堂,成立了一个新的全国性组织,即美国人生命联合组织 (AUL)。在第一年,AUL 努力将普世主义付诸实践,并考虑如何最好地传播其信息。经过数月的激烈辩论,AUL 的生命权人士选择妥协而不是专制主义和教育而不是抗议。他们将自己置于世俗而非神学领域,并拒绝情感、意识形态或党派的诉求。他们设想了一种可以超越宗教和政治分歧的反堕胎激进主义,相信只有这种方法才能促进真正拥有生命权的大众公民的成长。