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A time to stir: Columbia ’68
The Sixties ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17541328.2018.1511152
Holly Scott 1

that can equally serve classrooms, research, and the general reader interested in a fascinating chapter in this important era. Not all travelers succeeded entirely in their mission. Noting the disillusionment of one searcher on discovering mid-trail the elusive nature of the exotic yoga experience he was hoping to find – the trail often continued on to Kathmandu, Bangkok, even Bali – the authors comment that “the India which the travelers wished to discover was not that in which many Indians lived” (130, 215). Similarly, the New Age irony not much explored here is that when a large group of people set out to be different they often end up looking somewhat the same. But while the naiveté of the travelers and others of this era can well be questioned, their experience continues to be meaningful to us today.


激动人心的时刻:Columbia '68

这同样可以为课堂、研究和对这个重要时代引人入胜的章节感兴趣的普通读者提供服务。并非所有旅行者都完全成功地完成了他们的使命。注意到一位搜索者在中途发现他希望找到的异国情调瑜伽体验的难以捉摸的本质时幻灭了——这条小道经常继续前往加德满都、曼谷、甚至巴厘岛——作者评论说:“旅行者希望找到的印度发现并不是许多印度人生活的地方”(130, 215)。同样,这里没有过多探讨的新时代讽刺是,当一大群人开始与众不同时,他们往往最终看起来有些相同。但是,虽然这个时代的旅行者和其他人的天真很容易受到质疑,但他们的经历对我们今天仍然有意义。