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The Evolution of Sail Training from the Nineteenth Century to the 1980s
The Mariner's Mirror Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00253359.2020.1736400
Frank Scott

This article considers sail training over a period of some 150 years, starting with its early nineteenth-century origins. It takes the first Tall Ships’ Race in 1956 as a key point, using the races as barometer thereafter for progress up to the 1980s, by which time the upward trend towards becoming global was well established. It shows that this has been a neglected area for research, tries to separate facts from myths and illustrates how three sail training streams emerged: naval, mercantile and civilian adventure. Legendary figures such as Alan Villiers and Irving Johnson were involved in its development, as was Kurt Hahn, and the article traces how sail training changed from the provision of professional skill-based training to character-building and teamwork.


从 19 世纪到 1980 年代航海训练的演变

本文考虑了大约 150 年的航海训练,从 19 世纪早期的起源开始。它以 1956 年的第一届高船比赛为重点,以比赛作为其后的晴雨表,直至 1980 年代,到那时,走向全球的上升趋势已经确立。它表明这一直是一个被忽视的研究领域,试图将事实与神话分开,并说明了三种风帆训练流是如何出现的:海军、商业和民用冒险。艾伦·维利尔斯 (Alan Villiers) 和欧文·约翰逊 (Irving Johnson) 等传奇人物以及库尔特·哈恩 (Kurt Hahn) 都参与了其发展,文章追溯了航海训练如何从提供基于专业技能的培训转变为塑造性格和团队合作。