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Mijas Pueblo
The Keats-Shelley Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09524142.2020.1761123
Sarah Stewart

Let the lemons ripen on their trees; let those that drop fleck with rot and house insects. Shutter the windows, double lock the door. The sun will still crawl up over the horizon; patient blinkered donkeys will clip through cobbled streets, and each morning when the tide tows its mist back towards the deep, a black-clad woman will sweep up debris in the square: cherry blossom, ice-cream wrappers, or discarded tickets from the bull-ring, where cheap seats are marked sol and expensive ones sombra. There will be celebrations; the little church encircled by bridal flowers, wreaths. The village will go on without you, revolving in its remarkable unremarkable way, as rain falls, cooler dusks come, and tethered animals turn and sigh in their stalls.



让柠檬在他们的树上成熟;让那些落下的斑点长满腐烂和室内昆虫。关上窗户,双锁门。太阳仍会爬上地平线;戴着眼罩的驴子会穿过鹅卵石街道,每天早晨,当潮水将雾气拖回深处时,一名黑衣女人会扫除广场上的碎片:樱花、冰淇淋包装纸或公牛丢弃的门票-ring,便宜的座位被标记为 sol,而昂贵的座位被标记为暗影。会有庆祝活动;被新娘鲜花和花圈环绕的小教堂。没有你,村庄将继续前进,以它非凡的平凡方式旋转,随着雨滴的降临,凉爽的黄昏来临,被拴住的动物在他们的摊位上转身叹息。